The dare - Aitana Bonmati

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You and aitana had been dating for a few weeks, it had been going amazing and you found yourself falling in love with the Spaniard.

You were caught off guard when she asked you on a date, fairly new to Barcelona and Spain in general you were fairly new to the Spanish culture and how affectionate they are so you played off all previous interaction with aitana, and all of your other Spanish teammates, as them just being friendly.

To say you were ecstatic was an understatement, you had a major crush on the Catalonian since before you joined Barcelona, she was not the only reason but a big reason as to why you made the switch from London to Barcelona.

That night you and aitana went to a lovely secluded restaurant on the outskirts of Barcelona, spending the night laughing and getting to know one another on a deeper level.

For the following few weeks it was amazing, you and aitana explored all over the city of Barcelona, trying different restaurants, going bowling and even the arcade.

She asked you to be her girlfriend during one of your weekly movie nights, she had barely finished the question before you, rather loudly, accepted and pulled her into a hug.

You two were getting closer by the day, sharing childhood stories, fears and your biggest dreams.

There was only one issue, the aitana when you were alone compared to the one around other people was completely different, like black and white.

Around you she was clingy, sweet, talkative and could not get enough of you.

However around your teammates she was the polar opposite, she hated touching you, would always be on the other side of the pitch, never partner with you for drills and anytime you two interacted it was short replies.

You chalked it up to her not being a big fan of PDA and you overthinking due to being mistreated in previous relationships, not like the team, or anyone for that matter, knew about your relationship.

It had been bugging you because it was not like you wanted you two to have sex in front of the team, you just wanted to be able to speak to your girlfriend.

You were currently in the locker room, packing your stuff to head home having just beaten Rosengard 7-0.

Saying bye to your teammates you start heading out to your car, putting your bags in the trunk before reaching for your phone to reply to a text when you couldn't feel it.

Realising you must have left it in the medic room when you were getting a minor cut from a tackle checked, heading back inside and grabbing your phone.

As you are about to walk past the locker room to leave you hear what sounds like ona loudly say "You need to tell her aitana, the joke has gone too far. Think about her feelings and how she will feel when she finds out."

This caught your attention, moving closer to the door but out of the way so if it was opened you were not caught for snooping.

It was your girlfriend who spoke next "I know but I am starting to really like her and I do not want this to ruin our relationship." her voice quiet, like she was trying not to be heard by anyone other than ona.

You were unsure what they were implying but you felt sick at the though of aitana being untruthful with you about your relationship, you hear ona scoff before wishing you never heard the next words out of her mouth.

"You either tell her that you only dated her due to a dare or I will." you hear shuffling before ona speaks up again, voice louder meaning she had moved closer to the door "If you truly like her like you claim to do then you will be honest with her.

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