Neglected - Mapi Leon & Ingrid Engen

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Joining Barcelona at the start of last season had always been a dream but also a bit of an adjustment, moving from cold and rainy Scotland to warm and sunny Spain was a very welcomed bonus. Your teammates had been phenomenal and welcomed you with open arms, showing you around Barcelona and even teaching you Spanish well trying to.

What you hadn't expected was to catch the eye of a certain couple, from day one Maria and Ingrid were infatuated with you but when you made quick friends with most of your teammates, you barely spoke with the couple, you had tried on a few occasions to speak to them but their replies were always short and it felt like the were trying to end the conversation as soon as possible, which hurt because you too had been drawn to the Spaniard and Norwegian.

While you thought they hated you, that was far from the truth, you made them nervous - so nervous that every time they spoke to you they were unable to form any words.

It all came to a head 4 months of you being at Barca, when you were in a hotel for an away game, you, Maria and Ingrid were in the elevator when it suddenly stopped, while Maria used the emergency button to try and get the lift unstuck, Ingrid noticed you looking sitting in the corner with your knees tucked up to your chest and trying to control your breathing, you hated small spaces and being stuck in an elevator was a living nightmare. She comforted you, eventually Maria joined you all spoke about anything and everything.

From then on you three were inseparable, always spending time together outside training, whether that be getting coffee, having movie nights or even going for dinner, you all also carpooled to and from training together. This went on for months and you found yourself falling more and more in love with the duo, the constant touching, cuddling and friendly kisses on the cheek were driving you insane. You were on the couch of their apartment, in the middle of them, head tucked into Ingrid's chest with Maria pressed to your back and all your legs in a tangle of limbs, watching your favourite movie.

You were only half paying attention, trying to steady your beating heart at being so close to them, you felt Ingrid guide your head out of her chest using your chin as she brought your lips to meet her own, you sighed kissing back, allowing yourself to enjoy the kiss before reality hit and the only thing you could think of was Maria, you abruptly pulled away, eyes wide and darting between Maria and Ingrid panicked, an amused and worried smile on both of their faces and Maria cupped your cheeks and bringing you into a much less sweet kiss than the one you shared with Ingrid. That night was filled with sweet kisses and confessions of love, your second favourite night, only beaten by the night the finally asked you to be their girlfriend.


That brings you to now, a few weeks away from celebrating your 1 year anniversary, the past year had been the best year of your life, spending it with your two favourite girls. The only downside is the secrecy, of course it hurt but with Maria and Ingrid so set on not exposing your relationship, not to teammate, not to friends and family, not to anyone, there isn't much you can do.

It was difficult at times but not being much of a fan of PDA it was easy, still spending loads of time with your girls outside of training but that all flipped when the locker room chat switch to talk about your friendship, many teasing comments about how much time you all spend together and a empty comment from Patri.

"You spend so much time together, its like you're part of their relationship Y/N/N." she and the rest of the locker room giggle, you could see Ingrid and Maria tense but giggle along as to not draw attention to them, you also played along, playfully rolling your eyes but you also tensed, hoping no one noticed.

The drive home with Maria and Ingrid was filled with an awkward silence, you sat in the back, Maria drove and Ingrid was next to her in the passenger seat. You had tried to initiate conversation on a few occasions but only getting vague answers and sometimes no answer at all, just a hum of acknowledgment, not pushing it any further when you noticed the growing frustration on both of your girlfriends faces.

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