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The cool air from Janis' garage wraps around them, as a short gust of wind whips in through the open door. Regina involuntarily shivers as goosebumps litter across her arm. Weird, she thinks, because Regina George does not get cold. When Cady and Aaron step into the room, the door is finally closed.

A soft material is brushing against her hand, as she turns and spots Janis handing her a large blanket. Warmth suddenly spreads through her body, even though the blanket is still only held in her hand. Regina lets a deep frown press into her forehead, until she realises the potential damaging effects it could have on her skin, and decides upon a look of curiosity instead.

Janis leans slightly more over the back of the couch occupied by all three of the ex-plastics, although Gretchen and Karen have just stood up to greet the two new comers. "You were shivering," Janis shrugs, "I turned the heating up, so that should help too."

Gratitude is on the tip of Regina's tongue but she isn't able to utter a word as Janis immediately rounds the couch and joins the others by the door. Instead, Regina remains alone on the couch, perplexity clouding her brain. How did Janis know she was cold before even she did? Why does she care so much to have even noticed in the first place? Regina is aware that they're somewhat friends now, after having apologised for everything after the spring fling, and their friend groups being simultaneously merged as Junior year ended and Senior year started, but even after all that, it still confuses her.

Between middle school and high school, Regina seems to have forgotten what a caring friend Janis actually is, but all that recollection does is twist the guilt-ridden knife deeper into her gut. She sits back into the cushions of the couch and takes a hefty sip of the expensive wine she had coaxed her mom into letting her bring over (she just took it, and several more, from the wine cooler), and offers a wave to Cady and Aaron as they emerge further into the room.

Ensuring everyone is occupied, Regina pulls the blanket over herself, tucking it across her torso with only her hands able to peek out the sides. Old Regina would've instantly dismissed the blanket as being too old and tacky with a strange stench of dust informing her it had been out here in the garage for a while. But new Regina is different. And new Regina is more thoughtful; thinks before she speaks, and somewhat considers the impact she has on others. Besides, new Regina is far too touched by the gesture of her ex-friend turned ex-enemy, who she had made the last few years a living hell for, that she's actually enjoying the charm of the blanket and its imperfections.

"So, are you planning on entering your infamous dance into the talent show again this year?" Damian quirks an eyebrow at the trio, glancing briefly toward Cady sat beside Aaron on a large beanbag chair, before looking at Gretchen expectantly.

"No, actually," Gretchen perks up, placing down the now quarter-filled wine bottle and handing out full glasses to herself and Karen. "Regina decided we should do something different this year."

"I didn't decide, Gretchen," Regina sits up and turns to face her friend, pointing to herself defensively, "it was a joint decision remember?" Regina sighs softly. No matter how many times she tries to prove herself to the others, Gretchen still seems to fall back into old habits, which unfortunately paints Regina in a gloomier light than she had hoped her months of hard work would've scrubbed away by now.

"Oh yes of course, sorry." Gretchen's nod and her eager to please Regina, has her sinking even further into the couch, and draining her glass of the devilish red liquid.

Damian frowns but swiftly moves the subject along. "Well whatever you're planning on doing, I can guarantee it's already better than the old dance." His comment is paired with an offended outburst from Karen who, possibly fuelled by the alcohol, goes off on a tangent about how amazing 'Rockin' Around The Pole' was.

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