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negan, carl, and cora walked the halls of the compound until they find their way outside. there was a fenced in courtyard with dozens of walkers roaming the grounds. in with the walkers were a few people being forced to kill them and survive. among the people, cora recognized one person. daryl.

"daryl!" she called out leaving negan and running to the fence. "are you okay?"

"i'm fine," he said back to her. "what are you doing here? are you okay?"

"i don't know what i'm doing here. i woke up today in a room with a few other girls," cora informed him.

"his wives," daryl grumbled under his breath. "hey!" he yelled to negan. negan looked around and pointed to himself with a devilish grin before walking over to join the two at the fence. "you hurt either one of them and i will kill you."

"oooo," negan said sin a sing-song tone. "is that a threat?"

"a promise," was all daryl said.

"i like you. you're fiesty," negan said to daryl. "and about the threat, i'll do whatever i please with them. let's go." negan walked off toward a cargo van, expecting cora and carl to follow.


cora had no idea where there were going as her and carl were put in the back of the van. carl was staring down at his fidgeting hands the whole ride. it hurt cora's heart seeing him like this, hurting. negan had obviously forced him to take his eyepatch on, carl would never do that on his own will.

cora reached out and grabbed carl's hands, stopping the fidgeting. carl looked up at her and cora smiled at him. carl smiled back with a sad smile just as they came to a stop. negan opened the back of van and cora immediately knew where they were. alexandria. carl was the first to step outside, followed by cora.

the two followed negan through the streets of alexandria until they camr upon on a familiar house. the one rick and cora shared. negan walked right up to the door and knocked. part of cora was nervous for rick to answer the door. to see her standing side by side with the man who killed abraham and glenn.

but it wasn't rick who answered the door. it was olivia.

"where's rick?" negan immediately asked, visually disappointed.

"he's-uh-he's out scavanging," oliva stuttered, obviously nervous. "he might not be back today."

"i guess we will just have to wait," negan told her. he pushed past olivia right into the house.

"are you okay?" cora asked olivia as she entered the house while negan was happily taking his shoes off as if he lived here. carl awkwardly stood by, glancing up the stairs in the direction of judith's room.

"cora," negan beckoned before olivia could answer cora. "you and carl are going to give me a tour"

cora took a deep breath before joining negan and carl by the stairs. carl obviously did not want negan to find judith so he insisted they start with the first floor. obviously, negan sensed that carl didn't want to go to the second floor so that was the first place he went.

once negan got to the top of the stairs, there was a noise from the room at the end of the hall. judith's room. the room carl wanted to avoid. "now what was that?" negan asked before making a beeline for the door. "oh who is this?" judith was in her bed, jumping and smiling like normal.

cora stayed behind right outside the door, watching from afar while negan interacted with judith. from her left, cora heard a door squeak open. the door left to judith's room was the room cora stayed in. cora jerked her head to the noise of the door to see izzy peeking out.

izzy opened her mouth like she was going to talk but cora put her finger to her mouth so izzy knew not to talk. izzy peeked her head out of the door to see negan holding judith. "go back inside and hide," cora quietly whispered to izzy. cora's daughter slowly and quietly slid back into the room

"let's go," negan said to cora as he walked past her and down the stairs


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