1- School.

117 4 3

[Tommys Pov:]

My alarm shrieked through my ears, my hand slapping the button to make it stop, a groan leaving my mouth out of frustration.

It had just been half term which i do not see the point of, one week and one week only just to get your hopes up and then crash it all back down on you. At least its some time away from that hell i guess.

I sighed and left my comfort of the bedsheets, the air was so cold in the mornings, i hated the cold but i hated summer more.

I grabbed some socks and shoved them on my feet, not needing to shower as i did the previous night. I turned my light on and sighed, walking to the bathroom. I did my usual things that i do every morning, except from brush my teeth because i always 'forget' and i just can't be bothered anymore.

Eventually i made it back to the depression of my room, shuting the door and sliding of my pyjamas and boxers, shivering slightly at the cuts up my thighs, ignoring the voices in my head, I'd tame them later. I slid on new boxers and my school uniform, i put a hoodie over the top of my shirt, i hated the uniform.

I sat in front of my mirror, brushing my hair, trying to make it look half decent which it actually ended up looking. I grabbed my bag and shoved on my shoes, looking at the vape on my desk.

I mumbled a fuck it and grabbed the toxicated air, shoving it in my hoodie pocket, walking downstairs.

"Ah morning Tommy, Wilbur is going to drop you to school this morning, Tech isnt feeling very well plus Will cant get Techno to drive him everywhere." My dad would chuckle slightly and id nod with a smile.

"Okay, ill wait outside for him."

Phil would nod, letting me go towards Wilbur's car, i unlocked the front door, standing outside, eventually sitting down on the doorstep, looking back, no sign of anyone, i breathed in the vape, coughing slightly, then breathing it in a second time, sighing as i look out to tge distance. Where did i all go wrong?


"Bye Will." I mumbled, walking towards my first class, already late, not a surprise.

I walked into science, my least favorite subject by far, it was so boring, the teacher hated me and who the fuck decides to put a triangle in an equation.

The teacher raised an eyebrow over at me.

"And your late because?" She'd ask, walking over to my desk where i was sat.

"Because i dont want to be here." Id say bluntly, grabbing a pencil.

"Thats no excuse Thomas, and take that hoodie of your not at home." She'd grumble angrily, walking away.


Its fair to say i kept my hoodie firmly on, and also took a trip to see the detention lady but i fake cried to her to get out of it, works every time.

I was walking to art with Tubbo, or Toby as his actual name was, he was probably my best friend, we'd been friends since i can remember.

"So why were you actually late?" He'd ask, passing me a new pencil as i snapped mine in science.

"Well Wilbur had to drop me to school and he had to go to the corner shop first so we were a tad late." Id explain, Tubbo nodding.

"Where's that bruise from bee boy?" Id ask, gently moving his chin to look at the bruise on his cheek.

"Oh nothing, i feel over at the weekend, yknow me Toms."

We'd smile and nod, getting to art, on time for once.

We sat in our usual seats next to each other. We got to use paint this lesson, thats all id been waiting for.


"Tommy and Toby, why are you in my office for the second time this week?" He'd ask, us both sat opposite him.

"Well sir its not Toby's fault, it's mine, we were using paint in art and i threw the paint on that kids face, Tu-Toby just laughed and Miss thought he did it to, it was all me." Id explain, knowing full well it wasn't all me but i didnt want him in trouble.

"Right.. Pretend ive given you a verbal warning, im not in the mood to shout, go along to lunch, i wont hold you back any longer." Mr.Skep explained and we nodded, running off to our lunch area, giggling our asses off.


"Yea and then we threw the blue paint everywhere and Miss lost her shit!" Tubbo would explain, me and him laughing so hard we couldnt breathe.

"Jezus Christ you two are stupid." Fundy would chuckle, gently hitting his both on the head.

We'd all laugh, everyone eating their lunches, me stealing something from everyones lunch even though i had a perfectly good lunch in my bag.


It was last period and i had English, no one i was good friends with was in my English class so i walked their alone.

"I bet his slits his writs." Some kid behind me would murmur to his friend.

"Yea he's such a fat ass, bet he's so big he has to wear a bra." They'd snigger, i turned around and there they were, the two popularest kids, Dream and Sapnap.

"What are you looking at freak!?" The taller would yell at me, I'd shake my head.

My breath hitched as i got slammed into the lockers by Sapnap.

"Cat got your tounge~?" Hed tease, elbowing my ribs.

Before long i couldnt breath, but neither could Dream or his sidekick. The fight was long and intense and i had gained a crowd. My vision was blured and all i could hear was insults and cheers. Two against one and i hadn't gone yet..well i thought i hadn't.

Everything went dark.


I sat up, groaning in the nurse's office, looking around at my surroundings. Nurse Niki was next to me, Tubbo also in the room.

"Fucking hell." Id mumble, rubbing the lose tear out my eye.

"Your friends come back around Tubbo, he'll be all fine." She'd explain, Tubbo latching onto me. He's so clingy.

"Hi Tubs." Id smile slightly.

"Tommy you did it man!! You kicked their arses! They even had to go to a proper doctors and your gonna be hella popular!" The boy would exaplain all at once.

"Jeezus, really?" Id chuckle, ruffling Tubbos hair.

I sat more up right, moving my legs of the side of the bed, looking into the mirror, i had several forming bruises and scratches with marks but i couldn't care less. I looked over at the nurse.

"Uhm, am i suspended..?" Id ask, Niki shaking her head into a no.

"Not at all, they looked back into the security footage and the two lads started it, ive got you out of that one their kid." She'd smile and I'd smile back.

"Thank you, you dont understand how killed i wouldve been." Id chuckle, getting up, waving a goodbye and a thank you.

As we left i looked at Tubbo, realising i had been missing something, my vape.

"Uh Toby you dont perhaps know where uhm my uhh thingy is?" Id ask very vaguely, me and Tubbo vaped so he caught on pretty quickly.

"Yea i took it out your hoodie, dont want you getting caught boss man." Hed pass me the stick and I'd smile.

"Thanks bee boy."


Id be sat in the front seat of Wilbur's car, the silence so loud.

"Whats your excuse to dad?" Hed ask.

"Fuck knows." Id mumble.


[1285 Words]

-Thank you so much for reading >:3

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