07. dumbledore's army

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       CHAPTER VII / / Dumbledore's Army.

       CHAPTER VII / / Dumbledore's Army

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        At the ripe age of thirteen, Selene had been quite used to the feeling of disappointment. It was a feeling she dreaded, she detested the emotion so deeply that she stopped believing in the prospects of hope. Hope was a terrible feeling, a cruel and vicious feeling. It blinded people from seeing what reality was, it made people believe in things that they could only imagine in their wildest dreams. 

       Selene Dumont didn't believe in hope for in order to follow such a belief, one would have to be favored by the gods. Selene was one of the unlucky souls who were presented with the worst of the world's harshness. She was a victim of reality and therefore no longer could distract herself with childish concepts such as hope. Her misery was a cruel gift from the heavens and the gods above are very aware of her misery now. 

       And so, seeing Hermione Granger speak of Harry Potter with such hopeful aspects made her stomach turn. 

     Shortly after the incident with Umbridge and Professor Trelawney, Harry came to her with news on the idea she gave him. 

         "Ron and Hermione think it's a good idea but, I don't know," Harry sniffled as they walked around the now snowy Hogwarts grounds.

        "Who'd want to be taught by me? I'm a nutter, remember?" he recalled back to the sly looks and comments he had been receiving throughout the entire year. 

      Selene vaguely remembers only brushing away his weariness that day, now she stands in a crowded Hog's Head on a snowy day, listening to Hermione Granger presenting Harry as a 'proper teacher.' Selene swayed slightly back and forth on her heels, keenly listening to every word the muggle-born said. 

      "Hi," Hermione began with weary eyes, "So, we all know why we're here. We need a teacher; proper teacher," she added before continuing, "One whose had real experience defending themselves against the dark arts," before she could finish a boy interrupted her. 

       "Why?" he spoke out. 

       "Why?" Ron Weasley mocked him with a glare, "Cause you know who's back you, toss pot!" Ron exclaimed as Hermione attempted to speak once more.

       "So he says," the boy Selene didn't recognize retorted, staring at Harry. 

       "So, Dumbledore says," Hermione defended Harry but the boy went on.

        "So Dumbledore says because he says! The point is, where is the proof?" 

      Selene watched Harry peer off, jaw tight and eyes glazed over in annoyance. He looked miserable, annoyed out of his mind she thought to herself as more people began speaking out until suddenly, a voice echoed around the room causing Harry to stand up. 

       "Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..." the voice trailed off.

      The mention of Cedric Diggory snapped Selene back into reality, the Hufflepuff student who had passed last year during the Triwizard Tournament, his death remains a spectacle to most of the world, nobody truly knew how he died but Selene knew what had happened to him. The dark lord had killed him, she didn't need any theorist papers to tell her that, all she had to do was look at how riled up Harry got at the mention of Cedric. 

         "I'm not here to talk about Cedric. So if that's why you're here, you might as well clear out now," Harry stated as he scanned over the room, his eyes pausing on Selene for a short moment before attempting to leave.

        "Is it true you can produce a patronus charm?" Luna Lovegood's voice quieted down the emerging mummers in the room, stopping Harry in his tracks. Silence engulfed them before Hermione answered. 

      "Yes, I've seen it," Hermione responded with a proud look. Dean Thomas looked up at Harry in awe shortly after, followed by Neville Longbottom excitedly talking about how Harry killed a basilisk. Quickly more people began to emerge with stories of Harry's heroic past. 

       "Wait," Harry put a stop to the incoming commotion, "It all sounds great when you say it like that but the truth is most of that was just luck, I didn't know what I was doing half the time and nearly always had help." 

         "He's just being modest," Hermione cut in but Harry went on. 

        "No, Hermione, I'm not," he exhaled. "Facing this stuff in real life is not like school, in school if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow! But out there, when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes, you don't know." Harry sat down with down-turned eyes once he finished, a wave of silent guilt filled the room. 

        "You're right, Harry, we don't. That's why we need your help, because if we're going to have any chance at beating Voldemort," Hermione paused before speaking of his name. 

       "He's really back," Nigel said as a statement, no longer a question.  

Lord Voldemort had returned, and Harry Potter was making it known. And once again, Selene found her stomach twisting into knots as she could smell the wispy scent of hope. Nostrils flared slightly and fingernails dug deep into her palms as she watched people line up to sign their names onto a sheet of paper listing the members of, "Dumbledore's Army." 

         "Selene," Harry whispered as he stood up, leaving the table he once sat at. Selene ignored the looks and glares she had been receiving from the people within, Ron especially. 

 Before Harry could continue speaking with her, Ron spoke out, "What's she doing here?" he questioned with his head turned to look at Harry. 

        "Is it not obvious?" Harry snapped but Ron only shook his head. 

        "She's friends with Malfoy, family as of fact! She's the enemy," he spat. 

        "Don't be ridiculous Ron!" Harry huffed, "She's my friend?" Harry said the last word with a questionable tone as though he didn't know the answer himself. "Ignore Ron, he'll come around eventually," He looked back at Selene as he finished speaking. 

      "Come around to what?" Selene mused. 

       "To us being friends?" Harry smiled. 

It was at this moment that Selene knew Harry Potter's ruination would begin. 

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