Chapter 4: The funeral

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The day had come when Toby would be able to see his mother, not in a dream, but in real life. When he opened his eyes, he stared at the window where the sun was shining, filling the room with bright light. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Toby remembered how all night he couldn't sleep with the realization that the funeral was coming up. Getting out of bed, Toby headed for the bathroom. On the way he met Muffin. "Good morning, Toby!". Said a cheerful Muffin. Toby didn't have the energy to answer her. He just nodded as he continued on his way. Walking into the bathroom, he looked in a mirror. Still as skinny, but with more of Toby's natural wool. Black eye was already healed, though bruises had formed in its place due to the sleepless night. After brushing his teeth and showering, he thought about the funeral arrangements. Toby had never been to a funeral in his life and this would be a first for him.

Stepping out of the tub, he met up with Trixie who was looking for Socks. "Good morning Toby. How did you sleep?". Trixie asked, continuing to look around. Toby only shrugged his shoulders, staring at the floor. Trixie was worried about Toby's condition. "Buddy what's wrong?". Asked Trixie, waiting for a response from Toby. "I'm fine... I just didn't get enough sleep...". Answering, Toby headed back to the room. "Toby do you want to talk about what's bothering you?". Trixie asked, continuing to stare with a concerned look. Toby froze in place for a second but immediately came to his senses and shook his head.

When he entered his room, he closed the door and went to his desk. Taking paper and a pencil out of the drawer, he began to draw a picture. Passing the pencil lightly over the paper, he described all of his emotions on it. Toby drew himself, standing around the dark figures surrounding him on all sides, not allowing him to pass. Looking at the drawing, Toby tore it into several pieces and tossed it in the trash under the table. Leaning back in his chair, he closed his eyes, imagining himself living a quiet life, not worrying about anything.

There was a knock on his door. Quietly but quite audibly, his voice allowed him to enter. It was Stripe. "Toby in an hour we're leaving. Get ready to leave". Said Stripe with sadness on his face. Toby only nodded. After waiting for Stripe to close the door, he stood up and headed to the closet. Opening it, Toby pulled out a white shirt and dark pants. Laying them on the bed, he pulled out an iron and ironing board. Having everything ready, he began to smooth the pants. Remembering a moment from his childhood when he was a puppy watching his mother iron shirts, pants, etc. He smiled involuntarily as he continued ironing. Finished with the pants, he proceeded to the shirt. Having also ironed it, Toby began to put on just the ironed clothes. It was very warm and in some places it was too warm.

Walking out of his room, he saw the entire Stripe family in the living room, waiting just for him. Apologizing for the wait, everyone made their way to the car parked to the curb outside Toby's house. Settling down in the backseat next to Socks and Muffin, Toby began to stare out the front window, watching Stripe drive. "Oh! Daddy, can we stop by the playground after all?". Asked Muffin, looking in the mirror at her father. "I don't think so, dear". Replied Stripe, shifting his gaze to Trixie. "But I want to go to the playground!". Shouted Muffin to the entire car, causing Socks and Toby to cover their ears. "Muffin Cupcake Heeler! Stop this tantrum right now!". Said Trixie with a stern face. Muffin leaned back in her child's chair, crossed her arms and pouted her lips. Toby looked at Socks, who sat calmly in her highchair and hummed a tune. Why are they so different?

Stripe stopped outside a flower store. Taking off his belt, he turned to the kids and said: "Girls, Toby and I are going to go into the flower store for a while. Sit tight, okay?". Socks nodded, shifting her gaze back to the window. And Muffin only mumbled. Toby unbuckled himself and started to get out of the car. Entering a small store with a large assortment of flowers. They were greeted by a young dog. As he examined the flowers, he saw white beautiful flowers that resembled his mother's fur. Stripe noticed Toby's interest in the white flowers and asked him: "Do you want to buy these?". Toby nodded. Calling the saleswoman over, Stripe asked for the flowers Toby had been eyeing. "Oh! Good choice. Who are you taking them for?". Asked the saleswoman. Stripe only makes a "stop talking" gesture, running his hand across his throat. Toby stares at the floor. "Oh... Sorry...". Whispered the salesgirl.

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