Tape 1: Side A

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⏮   Two  ⏭

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I'm not saying which tape brings you into the story.

But fear not, if you receive this lovely little box, your name will pop up. I promise.

The rules here are pretty simple. There are only 2.

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Leave it to my fucking dead sister to leave behind a box of tapes exposing everyone who has ever wronged her.

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Rule #1: You listen.

#2: You pass it on.

Hopefully neither one will be easy. It's not supposed to be easy, or I would have emailed you an MP3. When you are done listening to all 13 sides (because there are 13 sides to every story), rewind the tapes, but them back in the box and pass them on to the next person.

Oh, and the box of tapes should have included a map. I'll be mentioning several spots around our beloved city. I can't force you to visit them, but if you'd like a little more insight, head for the stars. Or, you know, just throw the map away and I'll never know. Or will I?

You see, in case you're tempted to break the rules, understand that I did make a copy of these tapes, and I left them with a trusted individual, who if this package doesn't make it through all of you, will release those copies in a very public manner. Which is not a 'spur the moment' decision.

Do not take me for granted.

Not again.

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"Turn it off."

I look over at Clay, his face is drained pale and sweat beads his forehead. "Turn it off Blaine!" He shoots up from his chair and everyone in the library turns to stare at us. Quickly I push pause on the tape and stuff the walkman out of view into my backpack.

"What the hell Clay! Keep you're voice down!" I whisper through my gritted teeth.

I'm not so shocked at the new situation. This is definitely not beyond Hannah.
"Calm down Clay," I whisper as gently as possible and try to make him sit back down. His eyes are wild and bloodshot. I can see his confusion and fear. He doesn't say anything but sits back down. I sigh and prop my elbows on the desk and lean forward so only he can hear me.

"I know this is confusing, believe me Clay, I'm confused too. But we can not cause a scene and freak out about this. You knew Hannah, so you have to know this is all apart of her stupid mind games."

The words taste sour in my mouth and in my chest I do feel a hint of regret as soon as I say it. But it's true and a its too late to take back.

Mind games and fucking Hannah.

Clay doesn't say anything, but it doesn't matter because the bell rings.

I stand up, swinging my backpack on, "Well talk about this later."
"For now don't say anything, you aren't an idiot Clay."

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