Chapter Twenty

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I stiffened in terror, along with Demelza before she backed into the corner. I felt my dad put his arm around me, and couldn't help leaning into his side.

"Give it to me." I jumped at the sound of the ringmaster's voice. To my surprise, he sounded more desperate than angry. He had relied on the staff for so long, he desperately needed it back.

"It's... it's over there." My dad gestured to the corner while keeping his other arm around me. I couldn't blame him. I was just as terrified of the ringmaster by now.

I was relieved he had hidden the real orb, but Demelza shook her head while reaching her hand out to her crystal ball. I could tell she wasn't eager to hand it over to the ringmaster, even if she claimed to hate fortune telling.

"Give it to me, now." I winced as his voice lowered.

"Give it to him," I urged Demelza. "You don't even... I mean, you don't need it."

Demelza reluctantly pulled her hand away, but hesitated to hand it over. I flinched as the ringmaster stormed inside, clinging tighter to my dad. He knelt over to examine the crystal ball.

"Are you sure this is part of my staff?" He sounded genuinely unsure. "Something seems unusual about it."

Demelza flinched while I felt my dad tense next to me. I did as well. I should've known we wouldn't be able to fool him.

"It is," Demelza insisted, a little too quickly. "Why wouldn't it be? It's what you've always had attached to your staff, the object you've always used to keep everyone in line and bring glass figurines to life."

I groaned at her rambling while Mr. Alvarez narrowed his eyes. "Whatever it is, I can't use it, since you've damaged it."

"I'm so sorry," Demelza apologized. "It was an accident. I'll repair it, if you want."

"Yes, you should do that," Mr. Alvarez agreed. "But I have to be sure it's the right one first. Your crystal ball looks very similar, doesn't it?"

Demelza lowered her head. I flinched as I realized all of our plans were a failure. Nothing could get rid of the ringmaster. Then I watched in surprise as his knees suddenly buckled and he fell to the ground on his knees.

"Are you alright?" my dad called, sounding more surprised than concerned.

Mr. Alvarez groaned while struggling to get to his feet. He stumbled and fell to the ground again, managing to break his fall with his hands just in time. He lowered his head, looking pained.

It was a strange sight, but I realized I could take advantage of his momentary weakness. I leaned over to whisper to my dad. "We have to get out of here, while he's not feeling well."

My dad didn't reply, staring in confusion at the ringmaster. It was weird to see somebody who was usually so strong acting weakened all of a sudden. He seemed to forget all about us, groaning in pain while struggling to even lift his head. But at the same time, it was also somewhat satisfying.

Demelza had apparently gotten the same idea as me. She lifted the crystal ball in her hands, only wincing slightly from the heat. Of course, there was danger extremely close now, and it didn't get much more dangerous than the person who had cursed the crystal ball from its original state. It was no wonder it became burning hot. I was surprised Demelza could carry the ball so easily as she stood up, but I guessed she had practice.

The red glow highlighted the vengeful glint in her dark eyes, but there was also slight satisfaction as she watched the ringmaster suffer. I watched in shock and slight admiration as she approached him while he trembled on the floor. She held the crystal ball above his head and I flinched, realizing what she was about to do. I was somewhat impressed that she had the nerve to even consider it.

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