
7 1 1

" Am also taking you to my place voluntarily." I heard her say. 

She led me into her apartment which was just three minutes away from the alley and soon my tired and bruised body found itself on the old staircases .

" Don't you have an elevator at least. there's no way i can continue any further." i said pulling myself away from her.oh shit that wasn't a good idea.

"Are you alright sir." she said when got close to me.I guess pulling away from her  wasn't that good as it got me rolling down the stairs and god my backs hurts badly . wait a minute, did she just call me sir..

" Are you blind or what, You realise am not that old for you to refer to me as sir, we could literally be age mates ; or do i look old to you?"  she was quiet for a second and just ignored my silly talks.

" The elevator jammed , it's still being fixed so we have the stairs as option B; and since you have to dress your wounds, you're going to have to climb, till the third floor." she concluded and handed me her hand to take.

On a normal day i would've given up and found myself to my villa, but since i wasn't ready to start looking for were i had parked my ride nor call Armand. oh god a lecture  from him wasn't what i needed now. 

All i needed now was a long shower and some ointment on my bruises , not forgetting a sweet comfortable sleep . Knowing what i clearly wanted, i took her hand and helped myself up .

Finally after the what seemed like twenty minutes of painful gut wrenching and tiresome climbing of stairs, we were finally at her door way.jeez this was much painful than monk trainings .

"You could at least let go of my shoulder and let me pick the keys from my bag." i heard her say. on realising how tight i held onto her shoulder , i pulled away and leaned on the wall besides her door.she opened the door and ushered me in. 

 I dragged my tired body to the couch in the middle of the living room and was getting comfortably situated when a voice startled me from the back. i didn't need to look up to see who it was as i already knew it belonged to her. did i just follow a woman i knew nothing about to her apartment moreover while drunk." Here dress your wounds. And when you're done, the door's open you can leave."  she said handing me the first aid kit.

Was she really going to kick me out . " Are you being serious about this?, you really want me to clean up my wounds by myself and then leave in the middle of the night ; what if i run into that guy again or even  much dangerous people." i said trying to win over her sympathy .

"Well am not the one that asked you to get wasted nor the one that beat you up . i was only helping you with your wounds , the rest is for you to sort out but am not having you stay here ." she spoke leaving me speechless .

What was i really thinking , bringing a total stranger into my house just because he didn't want a hospital. really, i don't  even know whether he's a serial killer or not. 

After my long shower, i hoped to find him gone but was surprised when instead he's snoring welcomed me to the living room. Determined to kick him out of my house i walked hurriedly towards the couch but tripped over a box on the ground and soon my face was flat on the floor.

"This imbecile , not only did he snore but also had to carelessly leave the kit i gave him." i could only groan as my yelling fell onto deaf ears. he just continued snoring and sleeping like a log of wood as if me falling on the floor and sounding like a bag of cement didn't startle him.

Right now i didn't have the energy to start dragging a grown man out of my house let alone having to carry him , besides it wouldn't kill if he spent the night.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and gosh i wasn't ready for today ,i was tired ,restless fatigued and sleepy as my roomies snoring wouldn't let me sleep in peace the entire night.

Dragging my tired body out of the bedroom , i walked to the kitchen. just because i couldn't sleep well doesn't mean i can't eat well.

" Bonjour."  i greeted when i heard the him groaning from the living room.

" Morning. " He greeted back with a faint voice. i believe it must be a headache as a result of his hangover ." Here. This is for you." i said handing him the cup in my hands.

" Oh thank you, but I don't Fancy such beverages." i heard him say. was he really being serious right now, what was he expecting , a glass of tequila .

" Well i guess it's nothing compared to the liquors and cocktails, obviously the ones you fancy ; but chamomile tea , it's good for the hangover ." I said walking back to the kitchen.

" No hard feelings but i don't take tea , am more into coffee, black coffee : there's something about caffeinated drinks that just drives me madly into them; if you don't mind, i really want to pee, I can't hold it any longer ." he said . this guy was just impossible , he's making it seem as if i was the one with the throbbing headache .

" Well it's up to you,If you enjoy having a headache . Anyway, it's on your left."

" What's on my left." He asked with a tone of confusion in his voice . maybe jumping from one topic to another isn't the best thing to do. " I thought you said you wanted to pee ."

" Oh right. Thank you." 

" The tea,I put the cup on the table but it's not there." he spoke on coming out of the bathroom.

" I thought you don't take tea, so i took the cup and disposed of its content " i spoke as i continued chopping tomatoes .
" That was then I've changed my mind,I really need the that tea , just anything that could get rid of this headache ; it's  just getting worse each passing minute ."

" Anything you say ." i asked him just to make sure he was up for whatever i was bringing his way. " Yes, as long as it's not taking medicine,I really hate them."

" Ok , thats alright , i wasn't even thinking of giving you medicine ." i replied ."then what?." he asked . " you'll  see. "   

 I grabbed some of the tomatoes i had just chopped and blended them .  i had once read tomato juice was good for a hangover and so was honey , but i had never known whether both could be mixed together. anyways who cares, i'll just try it today with this annoying lab rat of mine . i handed him the mixture.

For a minute i could feel his reluctance to take it but then he gulped it all in one go. " Christ Jesus !! , are you sure it was safe taking it?." 

I just couldn't  believe i had just taken that awful looking tomato whatsoever  drink she just handed me.  it tasted worse than my mums cooking.  " this isn't any better than death, seriously." i said .

She just chuckled and as far as i can remember  this was the first time since our meeting last night have i heard a laughter escape her mouth.  for some reason it felt lovely and heartwarming hearing her chuckles, i couldn't help but notice how perfectly her lips curved up when she smiled and how her.............oh god!!!!

Was it just the hangover making me see things or was she really....

Hello to everyone that is still reading.. hope you've liked this chapter.

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