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this is Marcie, your fav sub slytherin writer, back AGAIN with another fanfic!!!

over the course of me writing enzo oneshots, i somehow became an enzo girly. don't ask me how, i just did. i'm confused, i'm scared, but most of all, i'm thirsty

anyways, this is me finally putting myself to it and writing enzo how I (that's in like caps caps lock btw) imagine him xx this may not be entirely aligning with how he was written in Filthy, but this is fandom! i love the character, and i love how i headcannon him enough to write it!

this is going to be super dark. it's set in hogwarts, yes, and voldemort isn't totally in power yet (he doesn't even make a direct appearance in this fic), but people will die. y/n will come close to dying. there will be murder.

this fic is going to be as gruesome as i want it to be, especially since i'm unpublishing amor vincit omnia until i rewrite the first couple of chapters and i need a dark fic to pour out my gruesome wee scenes

so, all around, expect torture, blood curses, blood sacrifices, sacrifices in general, murder, insanity, graphic scenes of torture, blood (ofc), underage sex, underage drinking, underage intoxication and substance abuse, and many many more xxx

but let me finish yapping.

go forth, and enjoy!!

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