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a/n: just a warning for violence in this one

With a groan, you lift your hands over your head, stretching long and far, your back feeling unnecessarily tight and achy. Alas, you lean back forwards, quill poised to continue writing.

"Do you think we should mention crushing the beans?" Enzo asks, his own gaze furrowed as he writes his own write-up for Potions. He clicks his pen, once, twice, and huffs as he leans back over the desk. "I mean, it was changing the method."

"I don't know." You answer, truthfully. "I'd ask Potter, but seeing as he doesn't really like Slytherins—"

Enzo stands up, abandoning his pen with a final click on the desk. Shocked, you remain sitting for a total of two seconds, before you drop your quill in the ink pot and follow him.

"What are you doing?" You ask, following him as he walks towards the entrance of the library. "We need to write it all up."

"I know." He says, and then you finally look to where he's headed, only to see Potter and his two friends sat up at a large table near the entrance. Enzo walks up confidently, and leans both his hands on the table next to Harry.

You walk up behind him, standing there with confusion. Aren't you supposed to hate these guys?

"Uhm, hello Lorenzo." Harry says, sitting up from where he'd been idly twiddling his quill. "What, er, brings you here?"

"Potions write up." Enzo replies, and gives a nod and a charming smile to Granger and Weasley. "Say, Harry, what did you put down for the method?"

"The same as everyone else." He replies, glancing between you and Enzo in confusion. "Isn't that the whole reason as to why Professor Slughorn wrote the method on the board?"

Enzo hums, and you take matters into your own hands.

"He did but—" You cut off, and hastily introduce yourself, feeling the sharp nudge delivered to your ribs by Enzo for not being polite. "—Sorry. I'm Y/N. We haven't spoken before."

Before Potter can answer, you continue what you originally wanted to say, "The point is, both Enzo and I saw you crushing the beans, and we did the same. Did you not alter the method slightly to put that in there?"

Potter stiffens, his shoulders snapping up to slightly box his ears as Granger turns to look at him expectantly. It almost looks like she wants him to own up to something.

"No I didn't." Potter says at last, voice just the tiniest bit snappy. "You don't need to, either. In the end, we got the juice just as much as everyone else did, didn't we?"

"That we did." Enzo nods, and turns nudging you back towards the empty table where both your essays sit. "Thanks for the help, Harry. Talk to you later, yeah?"

Harry mumbles a, "sure", and then both you and Enzo are walking back towards the large desk a few aisles away.

"What was he so tense about?" You ask, and Enzo simply shrugs, already uncaring as to the reason.

"Not my business." He says. "If he's got something going on, I don't particularly need to—"

devilish; lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now