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semi-explicit description of a corpse (??) and animal violence kinda??? it's potions ingredients collection

You're woken from your dreamless sleep by a weight landing heavily on top of you.

The breath punches out of your lungs, and in a split second, you're twisting in your sheets, hand coming up to wrap tight around a throat as your other hand yanks your wand from beneath your pillow. You're snarling the beginning of a curse before you can realise who is trapped in your grip, but your incantation dies on your tongue when you take in the bright-eyed, slightly terrified yet extremely excited face of Tracey.

"Shit, Tracey, I'm sorry." You say, dropping your wand away as Tracey reaches up to unstitch your hand from her throat.

"It's chill." She says, and promptly sits down on the bed. "What spell were you about to use? I haven't heard that incantation before."

"Meningitis curse." You murmur distractedly, and finally take in her messy hair and glossy eyes, along with— extremely dark hickeys colouring down the slopes of her russet brown skin. "And you? Care to tell me why you tried to grind me into a potion's ingredient for Sluggy first thing in the morning?"

"That's nasty. And, okay, promise not to freak out." Tracey's hands snap out to grab your wrists, and you lift your eyebrows, before heeding and drawing the curtains with a spell murmured in your mind's voice. She may or may not need privacy, but you definitely need to shield yourself from the sunlight. It's too early for this shit. "I don't even know why I'm forbidding you. I'm freaking out myself."

You cast your gaze up and down her body, taking in her very absent hysterics, and nod, letting her grip your wrists as tight as she wants, "Okay, I promise to react accordingly to your news. However you would like it."

"I shagged Theo." She whispers loudly, eyes sparkling brighter than the chains on her favourite top.

You fail to see why this is an important detail though, and you furrow your brows slightly, "Okay? You have sex with him every other day. I'm struggling to understand why you're so excited."

"Point is," She abandons her whispering in favour of squealing softly, "He told me he loved me. Like, fully said the three words. Plus my name!"

Your jaw promptly drops, and you stare at her, wide open eyes and mouth. Theo is surprising you, a lot. Your brain scrambles to keep up, and you barely register your hands grasping her arms just as tight as she is holding yours while you rock onto your knees to lean closer.

"Wait, so he said it during? He couldn't even make it romantic or—"

"I think it kinda slipped out." Tracey admits sheepishly, head ducking a little bit as she continues to look up at you. "I mean... post-nut clarity is a thing, right? And I don't mean the self-hatred type."

You promptly burst out laughing at her words, "Tracey, I adore you, but post-nut clarity? Don't tell me that's all you're going on."

Tracey traps her lip between her teeth, brows furrowing in thought, "Well, he did say it one more time before he fell asleep. All... cuddled up and everything."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." You announce, and promptly yank on her arms. "The guy you're tripping over yourself for says he loves you after fucking you, then says it again before falling asleep, and you what? Abandon him in his dorm? What if he wakes up without you there? Did you even think about it twice?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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