12. Charming

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Author's POV:

The person who got jealous is no one other than jimin. Jimin started getting attracted towards y/n, she is behaving cute. When she scolded the crowd jimin noticed how bold y/n is, the main thing jimin got impressed by is that how she helped tae without knowing who he is.

Jimin noticed y/n is very beautiful with an eye catching smile, that's when Michael came and proposed to y/n, without knowing jimin started feeling jealous for the girl he met 5 minutes before.

When she rejected him, jimin felt relaxed. He Don't know what this feelings are, so he decided to hide it for now. Because jimin saw how protective tae behaved towards y/n, he wants to make sure his best friend is not having any feelings for y/n.

If tae is having feelings for y/n then jimin is backing off. To know about that he should ask tae what he thinks about y/n, then he should make a move. Until that he thought its better to be not obvious.

Tae asked  y/n, "Why Twinkle are you not interested in love?", this got Jessica, Lily and jimin' s attention, y/n replied, I am not sure tae, for now I don't want anything, I am not mature enough to handle an relationship. I want a partner, whom I can be friend and an lover at the same time. I don't know if that is possible, I hope I will meet a person like this in future.

Tae patted y/n's head and told you will meet the person like you wishing for. Jimin got more curious by what tae meant by. But he stayed silent.

Jessica and Lily smiled at y/n's reply and how tae Handling y/n with so much care. Even though they both having crush on tae they are ready to sacrifice tae for y/n.

Tae informed to his parents about his injury in the phone, there parents wants to meet y/n, that day itself. So tae informed this to y/n, as y/n is a social butterfly she is very happy to meet tae's parents. Y/N informed to her dad about this, he is strict in some matters but he don't want to restrict her daughter from exploring and making new friends. Tae also spoked with y/n's dad, so he allowed y/n.

After the school, Tae and y/n told bye to Jessica, Lily, jimin and started to tae's home in tae's car which tae's parents send to pick tae and y/n.

They both reached tae's home, y/n awe strucked by tae's house or else we can say it's a mansion. There are guards standing in and out of the mansion.

Tae said let's go inside twinkle, while going inside tae called his mom and dad they both came with a very happy smile and welcomed y/n

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Tae said let's go inside twinkle, while going inside tae called his mom and dad they both came with a very happy smile and welcomed y/n.

They all seated on the sofa in The hallway.

They all seated on the sofa in The hallway

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