Chapter 2

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"I'll have you screaming my name in pleasure"


When I entered the Great Hall I notice eyes piercing at me while I was walking towards the Gryffindor table.
Everyone became silent and their eyes were trained on me.

"What are you all looking at?" I questioned. My eyes darted frantically around the enormous room and made their way to Hermione,

"Seriously." I hissed, "What is everyone looking at?" I questioned but by the sound of my voice, I demanded an answer.

Finally cutting the uncomfortable silence Heromine spoke up,
"Y/n, we heard about the incident with Malfoy".

"Wow, already? It happened a few minutes ago?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes,

"It doesn't matter, nothing he says affects me" I shook my head and took a deep breath,

"He's the one acting like a slut shagging every damn girl in this school!" i shouted out of pure anger; my fists were clenched at my sides and I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Suddenly I hear loud footsteps behind me and i flinch at the sound of his dark voice,

"Is that so Y/n" his voice was deep and sounded dangerous.

I tried to turn around but I felt a hard body pressed firmly against my soft one.
I tensed at his touch but before I could even think of moving, his hand clamped over my mouth and muffled my scream.

His other hand was around my waist and my hands gripped the arm to the hand that was attached on my mouth, trying to pry it away but the person was too strong.
My heartbeat was going so fast and I felt it pounding inside my chest but I told myself to remain calm. Not in fucking public. Again.

He spoke softly against my ear again, not releasing his hand on my mouth.

"You know, I'll be able to tolerate you If you can keep your mouth shut like this." He leans in closer whispering,
"if you want i can help you with that or I can have you screaming my name in pleasure, either one is going to satisfy me" and pressed his crotch aggressively against me.

I stood there frozen.
Not knowing what to do or how to act. My eyes roamed around the room, noticing people turning their head at our way. Embarrassed, I was so fucking embarrassed.

Ignoring his presence behind me, my eyes finally met Hermione's shocked ones.

She wanted to interfere and her Gryffindor strength kicked in, I noticed her grabbing onto the wooden table, her lips were in a thin line and her breathing was getting heavier. Draco found this amusing and tightened his grip on me.

I've it clear to Hermione, Harry and Ron in the past to not get in between me and Malfoy. We've had our arguments for five years and I knew how to stick up for myself, I did not need another house to help me.

My hands clenched into fists and i think he could sense the anger radiating from my body because he quickly let go of my mouth and took a few steps back.

I immediately whirled around and there he was, Draco. Fucking. Malfoy.

He had his hands up in surrender and a playful smirk plastered on his face.

"Pretty please, don't hit me," amusement and sarcasm was clear in his voice, i clench my teeth not breaking eye contact as he looks at me.

Glacing around he finally seems to notice the rest of the people inside the room, some look away as soon as he made eye contact with them, scared of what he might do.

"Malfoy! Look at me!" I spat,

"I'm going to fucking kill you." I threatened him, suffocating his eyes with a death glare.

I look at him confused as he just keeps laughing with no restrain while Crabbe and Goyle behind him wear big smirks.

He took a few steps towards me with a grin platsered on his face, he towers over me and I resent him for being so fucking tall; giving him a distinct advantage to the fight we were having.

He leans in closer and trails his tongue behind my ear,
"Oh yeah," he whispers in a low raspy voice,

" I'd like to see you try y/ln. I'm going to make your life so fucking miserable you will wish you were dead you pathetic fucking slut!" He spat, narrowing his eyes at me.

He called me it again, once-a-fucking-gain Over every thing he uses to call me me this one affects me the most and he knows it.

I looked up at him and anger flared through his grey eyes looking down on my burning y/e/c big eyes, burning with hatred.

I opened my mouth but I couldn't seem to get the words past my throat.
A harsh exhale ripped through my lungs.
The tear I felt ripped through paralyzed me. I couldn't move even if I wanted to.
My heart began to beat rapidly again and I feel my body heat up dangerously.

There was too much energy and anger boiling up inside me.
I wanted to scream, to yell, to shout awful things at him, to hit him but I couldn't. I froze, once again.

At this point my hands were shaking and i pushed them hard onto his chest trying to create some space and shove him away from me but he hardly budged.

I sowly rounded the corner of the hall and saw the over growing crowds of heads bobbing up, people whispering and gawking at someone behind me.

Professor McGonagall, head of the Gryffindor house, entered the Great Hall and spoke up,

"Enough from both of you," she said in a stern voice,

"Mr Malfoy and Miss Y/L/N, please be kind and follow me," she demanded,

Draco took a few step back and bore his eyes into mine, staring intently into them, he ran his fingers through his platinum blonde hair and licked his bottom lip in a a low movement,

He had a devilish smirk plastered on his face,

"This should be interesting, won't it?" He jeers,

"Move." He looks away from me and repeats himself once again,

"I. SAID. MOVE." He spat, enunciating each word slowly with his dark tone filling up the room.

His lips were barely moving as he spoke before he pushed past me; his shoulder brushed against mine as he stalked through the exit door to follow McGonagall.

Irritation flashed through me that he had commanded me to go after him but I had no choice but to follow him outside because of her orders.

I huffed sharply as I stomped after him, glaring at anyone who looked at me.

I hate my fucking life.

Possessive ; Draco Malfoy (18+)Where stories live. Discover now