chapter 5

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"You will obey me"


I watch him as he walks away and disappears down the hall.

After a moment of awkward silence and leaving me in shock. Pansy held a disgusted look on her face and nearly broke out in laughter, slamming my door and following Draco down the stairs to the common room.

Pain ripped through my body.
Slut. He called me a slut, again.

I was biting my tongue in a feeble attempt to stop from running down and screaming at him infront of everyone.

Rage and fury took over me in an instant, I twisted the doorknob and swung the door open,

I walked down the stairs and took a deep breath as I exhaled, fucking git; I thought to myself as I approached him.

"You little shit," I started of shouting, "Fuck you," I spat, making everyone in the common room turn their heads at us.

My reaction made Draco turn around, facing me with a clenched jaw and furious eyes,

He walked towards me, coming dangerously close, his eyes darken as he glares at me, "Watch that filthy little tongue of yours," he spat harshly,

"No one speaks to me like that and gets away,"

"I don't give a fuck, no one calls me a slut and definitely not a worthless piece of shit like you." I say through gritted teeth.

"Down" he demanded.

"What?" I say and a confused look on my face appears.

Surely he can't expect me to do this in front if everyone, in public?

"I said down. Get down on your fucking knees right now" He leaned in closer, towering over me as his breath was fanning against my face.

"No" I hissed, searching his face for any sign of goodness, only to be met with pure evil.

I felt him wrapping his hand at the back of my neck; squeezing it firmly as he leans down onto me and stares intensely into my eyes,

"You will obey me," he spat and swallows the lump in his throat,

He gave my neck another squeeze as my eyes born into his and I didn't make a sound,

"Draco, come on bro let her go. We got class" a voice said and I quickly realize it's Zabini speaking.

"Shut up Zabini, let that slut get what she deserves" pansys voice echoing in the room.

Draco let go and stepped backwards only to walk towards Pansy. He looked furious but I couldn't understand why he would be so angry. Was it because she called me a slut?

He slams pansy against the wall, his hands around her throat making her gasp for air, leaning in close to her. He made sure everyone heard "if you ever, and I mean ever call her a slut again i will fucking kill you." He let's go of pansy and she falls to the ground, gasping for air.

"Leave" he demanded " Every single one of you, leave right fucking now" his voice made everyone flinch.

Everyone started leaving the room and I was the last one to walk out "Where do you think you're going" he growled gripping onto my hand.

"You don't own me Malfoy"

"I didn't say you could leave, you still have go get down on your knees"

"Draco please i-"

"Get on your knees!" He demanded and I obeyed, kneeling infront of him.

"Unbuckle my belt" he said while looking down at me.


"Go!" He yelled at me while grabbing a fist full of my hair.

I tried to unbuckle his belt but my hands were shaking. Draco let go of my hair and did it himself, he then unzipped his pants and let them fall down. I can feel my eyes widen and hear my own gasp when I saw what was infront of me. He still had his boxers on but I could tell it was big. Much bigger than i expected. Fuck.

"Look at me" he said in a demanding voice and I flinched. I don't know what it was but his demanding voice does sinful thing to my body. I could feel myself getting wet. I look up at him, unconsciously licking my full lips. His eyes followed the movement intentionally and he just stared at me with pure lust in his eyes, his lips slightly ajar as he watched me.

I look away and he demands me to look at him again. When i refuse he grabs my face and makes me look at him. His eyes grey and cold. "If you ever speak to Diggory again, I will personally kill him. We don't interfere with Huffelpuffs, understood?"

I nod, my cheeks burning as he digs his fingernails into my face.

"And if you ever speak to him again i will shove my dick inside your mouth and fuck it so hard leaving it sore so you won't be able to speak for days" and with that he let's go of my face, zips his pants and buckle his belt and storms out of the room, leaving me on my knees.

What just happened?

Possessive ; Draco Malfoy (18+)Where stories live. Discover now