Dr. Rayne Lennox

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Olivia's P.O.V

       Sitting in the chair, I'm just so irreversibly tired. "You know Olivia you keep mentioning your age you know it's just a number right? You act as if you're as old as I am. You're in your thirties not eighties." Sighing I know he's right I just can't accept it.

       He sits there expecting me to say something. "Late thirties almost forty. Every day it seems like the unis are getting younger. Also... I feel like I'm just so stunted. I mean I just come to terms with my sexuality and it's not like I'm the prime age for women to want. I have Noah and I love him, but I still feel like I'm missing something." He just hums writing on his legal pad.

       Suddenly he tosses it to the side. "You're very wrong about not being at an age women want." Checking the times, he claps his hands together. "Officially that's the end of our session for the week." Thanking him I stand up grabbing my coat. "Can I speak to you about something to you as a friend, not a therapist?" Stilling I nod my head. "I uh have this woman I know. She's twenty-five finishing up her master's degree in criminal psychology. She already has her B.A. in criminology and general psychology with a focus on sexual abuse victims. I have a couple of reasons I'm mentioning her to you actually. There's something that happened which is why she's moving out of her current practice. She won't talk to me about it, but I know it was never handled and I'm afraid it's still ongoing which is why I'm confiding in you. I've seen bruising on her face, arms, and neck. I'm worried it goes beyond that. The other reason is her thesis actually, you and your team could be of great help to her with that. You and a lot of your other detectives have been in the game a long time and her thesis is on the long-term effect criminal and criminal activity have on police officers. I hoped that you'd help her do that and in doing so you could monitor the other thing. Also, she's very much into older women and I know you've been worried about showing your age she'll definitely keep you on your toes. Genuinely I think you two would be good for each other." My eyes widen with every sentence.

       Standing straight up I cock my head to the side. "Dr. Lindstrom, are you trying to set me up?" He smirks chuckling a bit.

       Standing up himself he rubs his hands together. "You caught onto what I was doing huh? You really are a good detective." I feel a heat start in my chest that creeps up my neck at his outright admission. "I'm no match maker but what do you say? She specializes in what you need, and you specialize in what she needs." Taking a breath, he's making it impossible to say no.

       Digging in my pocket I pull out my card handing it to him. "Have her call me." He shakes his head refusing the card.

       Without another word, he walks to the door pulling it open. "Rayne can come here a moment?" I hear someone answer him and in minutes a woman is standing at the door. "Rayne meet SVU Captain Olivia Benson. Olivia meet Dr. Rayne Lennox." Her face falters a moment when he tells her I'm SVU.

       Covering it quickly she takes a step back putting some space between us. A pang of disappointment hits me out of nowhere at her action. "It's nice to meet you, Captain Benson, Peter talks very highly of you." She turns to him wrapping her arm around herself. "Was there something I could help you with?" For being young she is very professional.

       When she moves, I catch a hint of a purple hue on her cheek skillfully covered by concealer and foundation. I would have never even noticed it if it weren't for the light hitting her just right. "Actually, it's how she can help you." She tenses shrinking in on herself. "Your thesis for your masters. She's been a detective for almost two decades." Relief washes over her like a tidal wave and she straightens up a bit.

       "Oh! Right, that's taken such a back burner I was beginning to worry I was going to have to scrap it." She turns back to me with a smile. "You'd really be willing to help me?" I nod my head we're already this far and I mean I guess it couldn't hurt. "I really appreciate that I've been working with ex-officers but getting the perspective from someone still in the field will reduce my biases. Maybe we could set up a lunch whenever you're not busy?" I agree to that handing her the card Dr. Lindstrom wouldn't take. "Oh, actually I don't need this I already have one. One of my clients gave me it a while back. I guess I didn't make the connection." She pockets it anyway holding out her hand.

       Shaking it again she excuses herself. "What do you think it means that one of her clients gave her your card." I just shrug not wanting to jump to conclusions just yet.

       I leave his office heading back to the precinct. The rest of the day I'm absolutely drowning in paperwork. Fin and Amanda are out on a call so there's no way I'm leaving early. I shoot a quick text to Lucy, and she agrees to stay until I can get home. I feel bad about not being there more for Noah. Maybe in hindsight, it's better that I am single. The thought of having to try to keep a relationship with my schedule is almost laughable. My detectives return in the early hours of the morning, and I send them home leaving about an hour later. It's only Wednesday and it's already been such a long week.

Rayne's P.O.V

       After the meeting in Peter's office, I had nonstop appointments. I was absolutely mentally exhausted as well as physically. Dragging myself out of the office I take the long way to my partner's place. Today was my girlfriend's day off and I wasn't ready to face her. She's been drinking a lot recently and her mood swings wildly when she does. Last night was pretty bad she downed half a bottle of scotch and ended up hitting me.

       I told her I didn't want to be tied down and she got mad. It's not that I don't like being tied down I just don't like it when she's drunk. She doesn't respect me when I tell her to stop when she's drunk and I just didn't go want to go through that again. When I do eventually get home, I sit out in the car for a while. It's getting late and I know if I don't eventually go up it'll be even worse.

       Lugging my stuff upstairs I use my key to open the door. All of the lights are off as I enter so for a moment, I hope she's already passed out. Walking further into the apartment through my hope is completely shattered. In the chair that sits in front of the window sits Sonya with a glass in hand. "Where have you been?" Kicking off my heels I sit down my briefcase.

       Heading into the fridge I grab out a bottle of water. "I was at work my schedule was full." Cracking it open I take a sip.

       She motions for me to come over with her finger. Doing what I'm told she yanks me into her lap. Kissing me hard she shoves her tongue in my mouth. I can taste the Scotch on her. I absolutely hate Scotch. Letting her dominate it I just want to get this over with. Her hand drifts between my legs. My body responds to the stimulus on instinct not because it really wants to. When it's all over she basically pushes me away from her and I stumble to the bathroom.

       Shutting and locking the door behind me I sink down against it letting the tears fall. When she's not drunk it's good but then there are moments like this... Stripping out of my clothes I crawl into the tub turning on the shower as hot as it goes. Leaning against the wall of the shower I will myself to stop shaking.

       Eventually, exhaustion begins to take over fully and I get out. Drying off I get dressed pulling on sweatpants and a hoodie. Sonya's already passed out in the bed. Laying on the edge I face away from her letting my eyes shut on their own. I can't tell if I actually fall asleep or just pass out. 

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