Trial and Verdict

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Olivia's P.O.V

       At some point, I started counting down the days until Ray's trial. Today's the day it all comes to an end. Amanda and I both turn up to the court alongside Casey. In the gallery I see the dark-haired woman from the night she relapsed. She is joined by a blonde, a wild-haired ginger, and an older woman with fire-red hair. When Ray walks in I forget how to breathe. She's in a red two-piece with a black silk shirt underneath. Her hair slicked back into a ponytail. I realize then that they're all in red and black. This is Sonya's funeral and they're about to bury her.

       As soon as the ADA walks in she searches for Ray shooting her a smirk. Casey moves to block her view, but Ray doesn't even flinch standing her ground. The judge presiding is Donnelly and I know she and Casey are close due to Cabot. At least there's something in our favor. As soon as the opening statements hit, I want to scream. The defense is an old friend of Sonya's. She's painting this out to be an attack on Sonya because of her ADA status.

       Once questioning starts it just gets worse. Ray was right everything she told us about the defense drudged up. Novack did her best to object and redirect but some of them couldn't be wiped from the record. After she presented all of her evidence against Sonya the defense rested their case rather quickly. Pictures don't lie. Liz calls for jury deliberation and everyone begins to file out of the room.

       Amanda and I are some of the last few out after linking up with Casey. Going to find Ray, we don't see her. You'd think with her suit she'd stand out. We do find Alex and the rest of her group though standing outside of the bathroom. "Where's Ray?" They all share a look.

Leaning against the wall she cocks her head in the direction of the bathroom. "She started stress-ticking and stimming. She doesn't like us seeing her like that." My heart breaks a little bit more.

       Moving through them I knock on the door. "Ray? it's Olivia." She doesn't respond but the lock clicks. Pushing it open I step inside shutting it back. Tears stream down her face as she flaps her hands. "Oh darling..." Stepping towards her she shakes her head.

       I stop watching her fall apart. "I don't want to accidentally hit you." Confused I don't get a chance to ask what she meant.

       Her hand balls up smashing into her clavicle bone twice. Wincing she rubs the spot. "Whoa hey, it's okay there's no need for that." Going to grab her wrist she moves just out of my grasp.

       She begins to cry harder. "I-I can't control it!" It happens again and it's obvious it hurts.

       This must be what Alex was talking about. "I'm sorry. What do you need?" Grasping the lapels of her jacket she hurdles her body into mine.

       Wrapping my arms around her she pins her arms between us. "Will you just... squeeze?" At first, I didn't get it but then I realized it's about compression.

       Squeezing my arms around her breathing begins to regulate. "I've got you; I promise." Keeping my hold of her firm she nuzzles her face against my chest.

       Pressing her face against me I back us up so her backs against the wall. Pressing my whole body against hers there's a long stretch of silence. "Thank you." Eventually pulling away I take a step back giving her some space.

       Shaking out her limb she goes to the sink wiping her face. "You never have to thank me. Are you going to be, okay?" Nodding her head, she shoots me a smile through the mirror.

       Right in front of me, I watch her become a different version of herself once again. Sniffling if I hadn't just watched it happen, I wouldn't believe she just broke down. Gesturing towards the door I hold it open for us to exit. "I'm good." Casey and I look at each other.

       She's holding her phone out in front of her. "The jury's already back..." Jesus Christ, it's been less than thirty.

       Returning to the courtroom I pray for the first time in a long time. As the lead juror stands the charges are read out and all that is left is the verdict. "As the jury, we find the defendant Sonya Paxton... guilty." There's a collective sigh of relief.

       Well from all but two. "YOU FUCKING WHORE! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A LYING JUNKIE! THEY SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOUR ASS TO ROT IN THE PRISON CELL!" The court marshals drag her off as the judge bangs her gavel.

       As soon as the court is adjourned, I jump up. As a group, we walk out Amanda and I in the front. The press is vicious considering this was a trial for one of New York's own ADAs. Paying them no mind we walk out of the courthouse and down the steps. Getting to the bottom there stands Dr. Lindstrom "Dad!" Moving out of the way he hugs her tightly. He kisses the top of her head and I just know she's going to be alright. Casey, Amanda and I begin to walk away. Her family is here now.

       Hitting the end of the sidewalk suddenly I hear my name being yelled. Turning around just in time to catch her, her lips crash into mine. The trial is over and there's no longer anything stopping me. Kissing her back her arms wrap around my shoulders and mine snake around her waist. Pulling apart for air I rest my head against hers. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." Smiling from ear to ear she kisses me again.

       There are some wolf whistles as we break apart and she rolls her eyes smirking. "Not as long as I have." Her friends and father walk over eyeing us.

       There's a lot of them and only one of me. "You hurt her, and Sonya isn't going to be the only one in prison." The older woman threatens me. I take that heart because she just looks like someone who doesn't dish out empty threats. Catching me off guard she suddenly smiles holding out her hand. "I'm Galina Reznikov but everyone just calls me Red. This is Nicky and I believe you already know of Alex and that's her fiancé Piper. We didn't get a chance to properly introduce ourselves. Welcome to the family Captain." Shaking her hand, I keep my other arm securely around Ray's waist.

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