15. jealous Caius

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chapter fifteen

jealous Caius

MORE WEEKS HAD SLIPPED BY since Daisy had arrived at Volterra Castle, her days filled with exploration

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MORE WEEKS HAD SLIPPED BY since Daisy had arrived at Volterra Castle, her days filled with exploration. As the castle's halls became familiar to her, so did the sense of belonging that had eluded her for so long. And then there were her studies that had started. They took most of her days and the evenings she would spend with Caius or if he was busy with his duties, she would spend time with the Guard.

This happened to be one of those nights. Daisy had returned from her lessons and Caius was in meetings so she hung out with Demetri and Oksana until she asked for some time alone in the art room.

As she sat at her easel in the dimly lit art studio, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows across her canvas, Daisy found herself lost in thought. She couldn't help but appreciate the gesture of Caius sharing his art studio with her, rearranging the space to accommodate her creative pursuits.

Her brush hovered over the surface, her thoughts drifted to the countless moments she and Caius had shared since her arrival at the castle. He was a gentleman, showering her with sweet compliments and dedicating time to her amidst his duties to the Volturi. His gestures of affection were subtle yet significant—his hand resting gently on her lower back, the brush of his fingers against hers, each touch sparking a flutter in her heart.

She couldn't help but wonder if Caius felt the same, if he, too, longed for that simple yet profound connection that had eluded them thus far. And yet, the fear of rejection held her back, a silent barrier that kept her from crossing the threshold of vulnerability.

As the hours passed and the moon rose high in the sky, Daisy continued to paint, her brushstrokes a reflection of the tumultuous emotions swirling within her. And though the canvas before her bore no resemblance to the ache in her heart, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

"My love?" Caius called by the door which startled Daisy, making her drop her paintbrush, "Sorry," he said and walked up to her, picking it up and handing it back to her.

Caius looked at the painting and back to her. "Everything okay?"

Daisy nodded and went to grab the paintbrush, their hands momentarily touching. They both stared at their hands before Daisy pulled her hand away and went to clean them, "Yeah, sorry. Just lost in my thoughts."

Caius looked at her. "Oksana said that you wanted to be alone."

"I don't need to be babysat all the time," she said and placed the brush on the table next to her. She didn't mean for her words to sound so harsh but they slipped from her lips before she could think. 

"Babysat?" Caius asked a small hint of humor in his voice but soon it disappeared when he saw the emotion on her face. "They aren't babysitting you. They are protecting you. Making sure that their Queen is safe." Daisy flinched slightly when he called her a queen and it didn't go unnoticed by Caius.

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