21. Daisy's revenge

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chapter twenty-one

Daisy's revenge

Daisy's revenge

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IN THE WEEKS FOLLOWING THE SHOCKING REVELATION of Bella's death, Daisy found herself engulfed in a maelstrom of emotions, unable to shake the lingering anger that gnawed at her heart. Despite her expectations that time would temper her fury, it only seemed to intensify with each passing day. She thought she would have been sad but her heart was filled with anger.

Her days became marked by a palpable tension, her usually vibrant demeanor overshadowed by a brooding intensity. Where once there was laughter and lightness, there was now a somber weight that hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over her every interaction. Daisy's anger simmered beneath the surface, a constant undercurrent that colored her thoughts and actions. 

Even in the midst of her turmoil, Daisy found solace in Caius's unwavering support, but it was obvious that he wasn't used to dealing with human emotions. He was there by her side, offering his support to her. Yet, despite his comforting embrace, Daisy's anger remained a stubborn companion, a relentless force that refused to be quelled. With each passing day, she grappled with the weight of her emotions, struggling to find peace in the wake of such profound loss.

"Would you like to go outside for a bit?" Oksana asked by the door. Daisy had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed the Guard entering her room.

Daisy shook her head and kept looking outside her window. "I'm tired. Maybe some other time."

"Are you sure? We could have another picnic outside?" Oksana suggested as she smiled warmly.

"Yes, I'm sure," Daisy's voice was tired and filled with defeat. 

"You haven't eaten anything all day," Oksana pointed out and it was obvious she was worried for her friend. "Maybe we could get something to eat."

Daisy ran her hands through her face. "I'm not hungry."

"I could-" Oksana started but was interrupted by Daisy.

"Just leave it. I just want to be alone for a bit." Despite Oksana's best efforts to coax Daisy into action or to eat something, Daisy remained lost in her sadness. Daisy didn't turn to look but she was sure that she had left when she didn't say anything else.

Caius's footsteps echoed softly in the corridor as he approached Daisy's room, his concern evident in the furrow of his brow and the urgency in his stride. He knocked gently on the door, his voice a low murmur as he called out to her. "Daisy. I'm coming in."

There was a brief pause before the door creaked open, revealing Daisy sitting on the edge of her bed, her gaze fixed on some distant point beyond the room. She looked pale and weary, the shadows beneath her eyes betraying the toll that her grief had taken.

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