04. supernatural magnet

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chapter four

supernatural magnet

AT FIRST IT didn't feel like a dream. She was walking around empty halls of what it seemed like an old castle. The halls were narrow and gloomy. She shivered and she wasn't sure if it was because of the cold halls or that she had a feeling like she was in danger.

The hallway didn't seem to have an end and suddenly she got a feeling like something or someone was following her. So she started to walk even faster hoping that whatever was following her would go away. She kept looking over her shoulder and when looking back it seemed like the hallway of the castle was just getting longer. The place felt lifeless like someone had sucked all the joy out of it.

Yet again she looked over her shoulder and when looking back, there was a person in front of her and she was fastly, in inhuman speed, pushed against the cold brick wall. But her reaction surprised her. She wasn't afraid anymore and she felt herself starting to smile when looking at the person. She wasn't able to see his face but the person felt familiar and she felt desire to lean closer to him. She never wanted the dream to end but she could herself already starting to slip away from the dream and she hoped she could stay to see his face. 

She woke up when she heard her phone ringing. She was still groggy when she answered the call, without checking who was calling. "Dais." she heard her father's worried voice.

"Dad? What's up?" she asked and sat up from her bed. 

"Are you home?" his father's voice sounded impatient.

"Yeah. I was taking a nap." she explained.

"Can you go and check Bella?"

"What's wrong?" Quickly Daisy was out of her bed and was pulling a hoodie over her head. Just moments ago she had felt tired and wanted nothing more than go back to her dream but now she was wide awake.

"Harry Clearwater is dead." he said, his voice full of pain. Both Swan brothers were good friends with him and because of this Daisy had met him multiple times and she got along with his children Leah and Seth. "I'm still at work. It's going to take a while until I get back but Charlie is with his family and he called me asking if you could check on Bella. He hasn't heard from her."

"Of course." Daisy nodded and she was quickly out of her house, taking her bike and started heading to Charlie and Bella's house. It was usually ten minute ride but it took her only five minutes. She saw Bella's truck on the driveway but there was also another car. A car Daisy didn't recognize but it looked expensive.

Daisy simply let her bike fall on the ground as she walked to the front door.

"Bella?" she called and was shocked to see who the car belonged to. Alice. They were sitting closely on the couch.

"Daisy? What are you doing here?" Bella asked, and straightened her back when she saw her cousin.

"I came to check you. Charlie couldn't get a hold on you." Daisy tried her best to keep her eyes on Bella and not on Alice. "Are you okay?" she finally turned to look Alice and looked between the pair. "Are you like-- back?"

"I'm here to make sure that Bella is okay. I saw Bella jump off cliff." Alice explained like it was the most normal thing.

"You-- what?" Daisy stepped more into the living room and crossed her arms over her body.

"Some vampire's have abilities. Alice can see into the future and Edward--" Bella said his name like it brought her pain. "Can read people's thoughts."

Daisy raised her eyebrows in surprise. Well that isn't creepy. She tried to think about everything she had thought when being in the same room as him and suddenly felt really small. After recovering from the shock. "You jumped off a cliff?"

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