Chapter 1-

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It is a quiet day at my house my younger sister, Aliyah, is at a friend's house, My mom is at work, and my good-for-nothing drunk of a father is 6 feet underground. It was too quiet for my liking so I called my best friend, Tinsley, so that she can entertain me.
"Yo what's up.?" She said whenever she answered.
"Oh you know family is all over the United States, so I need a good laugh." After a few seconds she hung up and I got a text.

Queen- Hey I'll be there in a few. There's some sidewalk traffic😪😘

Whenever she comes over we watch sad movies so I popped popcorn and got The Fault in our Stars put into the tv. Yes I know it's girly, but it's a really good movie.
Whenever I got the popcorn into a large bowl someone walked into my house.
"Honey, I'm home!" I heard Tinsley yell.
"I'm in the kitchen!" I hollered back. Pretty soon she was digging in my fridge pulling out the milk.
"You knew about me coming over why is there no cereal waiting for me?" She questioned jokingly.
"Well you see," I started," I'm a wizard who likes to take care if magical creatures and had to take care of a baby unicorn named Alex. I just didn't have time."
"But you had time to read all those Harry Potter books? We're through!" she went to walk away until I yelled,"BABY COME BACK!! If you leave then I won't have my ninja unicorn wizard to protect me from harm."
She whipped around and laughed. We have the stupidest nicknames for each other and don't even know how half of then came to be.
When she sobered up, I grabbed the popcorn and we went to the living room to watch tfios.
"I'm so sorry Dru, but we can't watch this movie." She said looking really depressed.
"Why Tin?"
"Because we have no blankets and I left my cereal in the kitchen." A tear leaked from her eyeballs.
"Then go get some blankets and your cereal."
"ARE YOU CRAZY?! I'm already comfy and the cereal is all soggy." She said really angrily.
"Fine. I'll go get the blankets and you a new bowl of cereal." I got up and it was like she wasn't even upset and I couldn't even tell she let out a single tear.
When I got back she wasn't in there. So I decided to go look in her room. Yes she has her own room here. Don't judge.
I thought correctly. She was sitting on her day bed her face in her hands I could tell she was actually crying.
"What's wrong sugarplum fairy princess?" She lifted her head up and looked at me.
"I don't e-even know h-how to ex-explain it." She told me sobbing. Now this isn't her soggy-cereal cry it's real tears.
"I will." I encouraged her.
She hesitated for awhile then spoke the 5 words I never thought I would hear from her.

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