Wouldn't You Like, Cassia's Pov

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Cassia's steps were heavy as she followed Eurylochus away from Odysseus. His dismissal stung, a sharp pang of disappointment coursing through her. She had hoped for a moment alone with him, a chance to ease the burden of his troubles with her comforting presence. But duty called, as it always did, and she obeyed without protest.

The minutes stretched into eternity as she waited, her thoughts consumed by the mystery that was Odysseus. She knew little of his past, other than the tales whispered among the crew—the feats of heroism, the trials endured, and the longing for home that drove him ever onward.

They approached a house, and a woman emerged, her beauty striking. "Hello travelers, would you like to stop for a meal?"

"We shouldn't, we have a long quest ahead!" Eurylochus called out.

But the woman persisted, drawing them in with her enticing words. "Come inside," she beckoned, and one by one, the crew followed, leaving only Eurylochus outside.Inside, the atmosphere was warm and inviting, yet Cassia couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in her chest. As the crew devoured the food set before them, she watched with a growing sense of dread.

"Think of your past and your mistakes, they'll be the last mistakes you'll make," the woman said with a chilling smile, and Cassia's horror deepened as she witnessed her comrades transform into beasts before her eyes.

"What did you do?" she demanded, her voice trembling with anger and fear.

"I turned them into their true selves," the woman replied casually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "Here take a drink, don't worry I only harm men."

For some reason she believed her and took a drink. "I'm sorry to ask but I would like you to turn them back."

She scoffed, "surely you don't care what happens to these pigs."

"They rescued me and they're Odysseus's men he'll come to rescue them so you might as well save yourself the trouble."

"I wouldn't depend on him so much."

"He'll come," Cassia asserted, her faith in her captain unwavering. "And you'll have to turn them back."

The woman's gaze sharpened, her curiosity piqued by Cassia's unwavering loyalty. "You like him?" she asked, her tone laced with intrigue.

"I-I don't know," Cassia stammered, her thoughts a jumble of confusion and longing. "But he rescued me."

The woman's lips curved into a knowing smile. "Let's see if he'll prove himself worthy," she mused, before leading Cassia to a room where she could await Odysseus's arrival.

Alone in the dimly lit chamber, Cassia couldn't help but wonder—how would she know if he felt the same? And as she pondered the answer, she couldn't shake the feeling that their journey was far from over, and that the trials ahead would test not only their strength and courage but the depths of their hearts as well.

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