What Did You Wish For?

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Sarah looks deeply into the candle in her hand, and thinks about how terrible this day has been. So with a deep breath she wishes for one sad wish... She wishes to Be all alone in this world for her brithday. As a nurse walks in to check on Sarah, the nurse sees the candle in Sarahs hand. So the nurse asks Sarah what did she wish for with a smile on her face. With Sarah knowing it was bad luck to tell your wishes she told the nurse her wish anyways, without thinking what the consequences would be.

Sarah -"I wished for me to be all alone in this world for my brithday..."

Sarah slowly Blinks and widly opens her eyes to see everyone in the hospital has disapeared. Therefor with a shocked face she walks around the hospital. She exit's the hospital and goes out side, to each house, each store and every park in town. With taking advantage she walks into every store for free ice cream, cake, brownies, candy, chocolate milk, milkshakes, juice and as well went to walmart and took a some cool headsets. She was relieved and happy but at the same time surprised her wish came true and everyone was gone... But what she doesn't see is that what she is doing is something not so good.
The next few hours after putting food and drinks away in the fridge of her house, she walks into other peoples houses to go into their back yard pools, hottubs, watch TV and also ate some of their food. She was really pleased and went into other peoples things just for a peak but leaves then as she saw them. Because if those people appear right back she woudn't wanna get into trouble with those people. After doing what she wanted she went back home then went into her room to rest for a while and watch TV while drinking a milkshake. Until she just started to feel a bit lonely by then, thinking it was a rude thing vanishing her brother and father and everyone else from mexico.

A couple of minutes later she fell asleep and woke up at 5:20PM realizing she is still alone, starting to feel scared. Scared that she may never have her brother and father back, thinking she may be stuck in mexico forever.
She walks back to the hospital to get her last three candles finding out that the box went missing.. but the candles are still there.. She picks up one of the candles and makes a wish she thought would work...

Sarah -"I wish to erase my last wish."

She blew the candle out and opens her eyes just to see that everyone is still gone. She started to feel a panick and looks at her last two candles.... Without thinking she takes her 5th candle and tries wishing to undo the third wish. Knowing it wouldn't work she took her last candle and ran out of the hospital...

[To Be Continued]

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