3 - Choosing Harriet

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Lunette butted her head against Harriet's legs. 

"Hi Lunette." Harriet knelt to pet her, and Lunette climbed up in her lap. "Aren't you cute?"

Miss Goodweather towered over them. "Have you decided, Lunette? Very well, you two may go. Make sure not to be late tomorrow. I wouldn't want to turn you into toads."

"Yes, Miss Goodweather! I mean, no, Miss Goodweather!" Harriet scooped up Lunette and darted out the door, looking over her shoulder to see if anyone was following. 

Lunette looked over Harriet's shoulder, too, but the door closed behind them. 

Harriet stopped partway down the hall in a window-box. She set Lunette down on the window seat. "We're going to be best friends, right, Lu? Oh, is it alright if I call you Lu?"

Lunette purred, rubbing her head against Harriet's hand. 

Harriet pulled some crumpled sheets of paper from her pocket. "Okay. Now I guess I just need to get some supplies for tomorrow."

Lunette read the papers over Harriet's shoulder. 


Hey Sweet Pea,

I've packed your winter uniform robes, and your Aunt Sheila's old wand. Do try to be careful with them. They said you need to get the school hat, and everything else seemed a bit fragile to take on the train, so I've included some money for that. I'm sure you can get better prices in the village shops (especially for bottles--good grief!)

We're going to miss you so much. Have a wonderful time and write to us when you can.

Lots of love, 

Mom (& Dad)


+Enchanting Wand

First Day Supply List

Enchanting Wand - 75
Quill - 12
Ink - 5
Year 1 Hat - 25
Bottles (at least 3) - 15/each
Cod Liver Oil - 2
Broom (Optional) - 35
Dueling wand (Optional) - 120

"It's not cheap, is it? I think we can skip the cod liver oil," Harriet said, shuddering. "Let's check the tuck shop first, in case they're having any sales. Then you and me can go explore the village. How does that sound?"

Lunette meowed excitedly. She hadn't expected to explore the village so soon! It more than made up for her disappointment at not having cod liver oil. 

They went outside to the courtyard, where students from both houses were milling around. There was still a bit of a queue in front of the blue-and-yellow striped tuck shop, which was parked just inside the gate. 

Harriet lingered at the back of the queue, standing on tiptoe to squint at the prices posted on the shutters. She left the queue before it was her turn, and Lunette darted after her. 

Harriet opened the creaky gate and held it open for Lunette. Lunette's heart fluttered with excitement. 

Beyond the stone wall of the school, there was a narrow path winding down to the village at the bottom of the hill. The houses of the village were stone or brick, with slate roofs. 

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