Mr gee x Ms howard

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It was a B day in 3rd period during b lunch mr gee yells at the stupid kids because they won't stfu

Ms Howard gets on the table and starts to preach for the kids to respect mr gee

Mr gee feels he's eyes sparkle from a joy feeling Mr gee grabs her hand and meet eyes

Ms Howard softly smiles at him blushes with excitement

'What's this feeling?' Thinks mr gee

He never had felt love before The kids obviously noticed and screamed while both of mr gee and Ms Howard faces were bright tomato red.

Ms Howard then let go of his hand and Mr gee found himself missing the warmth of her hand in his. The rest of the lunch period they were on opposite sides of the room, waiting for the wretched day to end so they could see each other once again.

- owner 2 💁‍♂️

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