S3EP2 (Backdooring Ways)

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Night 9

Pionery Tribe

Javesanddenis (confessional): I am happy that jayingee is gone, but now I am bored, like visiting other stuff like that. THAT'S JUST WALLS (says it in an angry way)

In the water well of pionery well

Funnehcake: Hey jeahmin, I wanna tell you something

Jeahmin: What is it, sister

Funnehcake: Last elimination I didn't vote for jayingee. Instead, I voted for javesanddenis

Jeahmin (confessional): Honestly, I don't feel like I can trust funnehcake since she did not vote for jayingee even tho it's the majority, like girl there is no way you get fooled by a stupid guy like him

Gswaggy007: Hey, it's only us boys hanging out here

Teddyguy56: Yeah, but what we gonna talk about

Javesanddenis: Yeah, how about let's vote Jeahmin it looks like she's playing the moves

Gswaggy007: Alright

Teddyguy56: Let's do a final 3 deal?

Javesanddenis: Of course

Gswaggy007: I am excited about that

Antio-entia Tribe

Mrmangoguy (confessional): Justin, you have to count your days now

Denisdaily: Honestly, team, you guys are going crazy cause of one thing,

Auvelva: Well, you're right, denisdaily

Auvelva: Let's just stop this and think about the next challenge. I don't wanna see a messy Tribe and my friends betraying each other

Mrmangoguy: It's my fault... I am sorry

Skunkyycat: Mrmangoguy, it's good that you told the truth, it's fine. Let's just work to fix this

Xbplaysx: Yeah

Justingaming2234 (Confessional): Honestly, I wanna escalate this drama, but Auvelva decided to fix it

Recylioa Tribe

Farmerboy448 (Confessional): Well, there's a lot of secret talkings lately on my Tribe and it's probably like they have alliances, so I am looking for anyone not align with anybody

Farmerboy448: Hey, Xthesaltynoobx, let's work together?

Xthesaltynoobx: Alright

Xthesaltynoobx (confessional): I was pretty desperate for alliance members, but everyone hated me so

Day 10

James: Hello Teams, last elimination jayingee got out from the Pionery Tribe

Mrmangoguy (confessional): Well, it's pretty expected he got out

Denisdaily: it's pretty sad my friend got out

James: Well, anyway, time to start the challenge, the challenge is to have 1 one of your teammates from each Tribe  to run in this sewer till you reach the end the first one will get supplies and immunity and the 2nd gets immunity and third gets you tribal

Mrmangoguy (confessional): Honestly, I think my team has a good chance to win

James: Anyways, Antio-entia and Recylioa sit one of you

Denisdaily: I'll sit out

D3lronboy: I'll sit out in my team

D3lronboy (confessional): I might be getting voted out if we lose since I sit out, but I don't care

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