S3EP4 (Going once, twice, and thrice)

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Night 13

Justingaming2234 (Confessional): Welp, they didn't expect that. Honestly, I think I ruined my game, but whatever, they can't split the votes

Day 14

Pionery Tribe

Javesanddenis: I wonder what's happening to the other teams

Teddyguy56 says I don't know while eating some marshmallows

Jeahmin: Yuck

Funnehcake: Yeah, we won't know

Gswaggy007 (confessional): Well, I don't know what's happening on my Tribe but haven't talked with them for a while

Antio-entia Tribe and Recylioa Tribe:

Nothing happens

Night 14

Everyone is asleep

Day 15

Antio-entia Tribe

Auvelva: Skunkyycat didn't deserve that

Justingaming2234: You shouldn't say that... since she is gone

Xbplaysx: Okay, justin just shut it... you're the reason she is gone

Denisdaily (confessional): Well, there's drama. Honestly, let them do whatever if it's not a part of me. I am fine with it

Justingaming2234: Well, u do know you're the reason she is out

Night 15

Pionery Tribe

Javesanddenis (confessional]: Honestly, I don't wanna act nice with these people. They're probably brute and weird, I would not play with them again

Teddyguy56 (confessional): Everyone is awake, that's so cool, and feels like an open forum, tho

Funnehcake: So.... what now?

Jeahmin: JUST sleep... it's annoying...

GSWAGGY007: Seriously? How about...?

20 minutes later

Teddyguy56: GO fish

Gswaggy007: Darn it

Jeahmin: The fact u made me join this forcely sucks

Funnehcake: At least it's fun

Javesanddenis: No... this absolutely sucks...

10 minutes later

Javesanddenis: Oh... OH.... HAHAHAHAHAHA

Gswaggy007: Are you kidding me right now?

Teddyguy56: How did you win that?

Jeahmin: Yeah, that's not fair...

Funnehcake: Yeah, this absolutely sucks

Jeahmin: Anyways, I'll go sleep now...

Recylioa Tribe

Farmerboy448 (Confessional): I feel pretty bored here even tho everyone is asleep, and I am the only one awake... so uh....

Antio-entia Tribe

Xbplaysx: So... what now

Justingaming2234: Just sleep if you're bored

Xbplaysx: That's why I asked. I don't want to do something else than sleep...

Justingaming2234: That's why I told you to sleep, then

Xbplaysx: You don't understand, do you?

Justingaming2234: I'll tell you something I do, and you can't get a joke

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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