S3EP3 (Back at it again)

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Night 10

Pionery Tribe

Javesanddenis: Hey guys, let's make a bet

Teddyguy56: Alright

Gswaggy007: I'm in

Jeahmin: What are you guys doing?

Funnehcake: it's betting

Teddyguy56: What are we gonna bet for?

Javesanddenis: the person who got out in Antio-entia Tribe on their tribal

Teddyguy56: I'll go for Justingaming2234

Javesanddenis: Really? Well, I'll go for uhhh that girl with.. purple....

Gswaggy007: Is that auvelva?

Javesanddenis: Yeah, that

Gswaggy007: I'll go for denisdaily

Javesanddenis: hm

Javesanddenis (confessional): Socializing with the boys Honestly, it will feel like we have no plot against the girls since they had been a bit paranoid, Yeah, it's coming for you

Antio-entia Tribe

Justingaming2234 (Confessional): I am glad Mrmangoguy got out

Denisdaily (confessional): I am literally dead man walking on my Tribe if we lose again, I am gone...

Auvelva (confessional): Well, we had to do what we had to do

Xbplaysx (confessional): Honestly, that vote out feels good

Skunkyycat (Confessional): Well, we have the girls have the majority. We can vote off Justin if we lose again

Justingaming2234 (Confessional ): I saw denisdailys face he was sad, of course he is so I decided how about I'll work with him and flip on the girl alliance

Justingaming2234: Hey, denisdaily

Denisdaily: Yeah...?

Justingaming2234: If we lose again, I got you

Denisdaily: Are you telling me to work together

Justingaming2234: Yep

Denisdaily (confessional): Honestly, I don't trust justin, but I have no other choice

Justingaming2234: Here

Justingaming2234 gives something to Denisdaily

Justingaming2234: Use it if we lose another tribal

Denisdaily: Alright

Recylioa Tribe

Farmerboy448: I realized we are the only Tribe to not lose a single challenge, yet

Eufoojindd: Well, I guess we're 3x smarter, stronger

Teamfortress2spymain: You can say that again

Eufoojindd (confessional): I am just trying to fit in with my Tribe I guess it's working

Day 11

Pionery Tribe

Javesanddenis (confessional): Well, it's raining somehow. I don't know who made that logic

Jeahmin (confessional): I have no allies in my Tribe I am pretty desperate

Antio-entia Tribe

Nothing happens

Recylioa Tribe

Nothing happens

Night 11

Everyone is asleep

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