Chapter 1: Eden Prime

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"This is the life." was the thought going through the mind of a man wearing prototype Colonial Marine Combat-100 Power Armour. He carried a C-14 Impaler Rifle and eight Explosive Incendiary Grenades.

(Y/N) Boll's POV, Eden Prime

I looked around at the quiet and peaceful skyline of Eden Prime. It was one of the calmest parts of my job, though moments later I usually end up getting shot at by one group or another.

A side effect of being a mercenary, though one of the more infamous. Many call me the Dragon or the Ghost, though few outside certain very small circles even know it's me they're referring to. Those who did usually had a lot of credits, granting me the leverage of being known for a good job and getting properly paid for my services. Though even with my reputation, I've never compromised my moral code if there was any other way, unless I'm protecting the people I care about, and I've never knowingly taken a job that threatened an innocent. The one time I did unknowingly,I rescued them from pirates and introduced my client to the business end of mygun for her deception.

Since then, most of my jobs have been for the Alliance or Okiwa Industries. Both have usually only asked for what you expect, though Okiwa also tends to have me help escort highly sensitive prototypes or materials from one place to another, always ending up near the Avern System in the Styx Theta Cluster just on the edge of the 50 Light Year limit the Council imposed to keep everyone close to the Mass Relays. It's the strangest thing, they pay top dollar for these jobs, lowest they've ever paid me was 4 Million credits and that was for the first one. Last time they paid 50 Million just for me to deliver some prototype sensors that did something or other with... I think the scientists I overheard said Subspace? I don't know, it was some weird high end sci-fi thing. Whatever it was, I doubt anyone in the Council have anything like it. I think I would've noticed other mercs with that sort of tech, since the Council and various governments tend to use some of the more high-end mercenaries to test their technology.

"(Y/N)!" I looked over to see Nyta walking over, wearing that skin-tight armour of hers. I've never quite figured out where she keeps 12 Grenades and at least 6 knives of varying length in that thing. The only other outfit I've only ever seen her in was a shirt and a pair of jeans, and I can tell you there was little difference from where I was standing. If a part of me wasn't still trying to figure out where I went wrong with my ex girlfriend four years ago I'd be asking Nyta out just to see what happened. I mean, the one time she went on a date, which went badly and she almost got kidnapped, she had to hijack what turned out to be a Blue Suns vessel and then fly to the far side of the cluster just to save my ass from a nuke. Seriously, I didn't think my previous contract protecting that shipment for Okiwa warranted the buddies of the pirates I'd killed coming back to literally nuke me, but I'm alive and they're not. Way I see it, they're a problem for the next life now.

"Nyta, how's it going? Try arm wrestling Ashley again or did you two settle it with a shooting contest?" Seriously, ever since we got here those two have been competing like a pair of dogs over a juicy bone. I mean, I don't even know why. Ashley's a great, intelligent woman with a fantastic body and a good moral compass. The two of us had really hit it off, and in a way I guess Nyta and Ashley did too.

At the mention of Ashley's name Nyta's face took on a slightly teasing, yet also slightly unnamable, look. "Don't worry. Your girlfriend was still breathing the last time I saw her." "My girlfriend? Nyta, she's a friend at most. An Alliance Marine who has her head on straight. To be honest, if I thought I had a chance I'd be more likely to go for you."

Her eyes widened, before she spoke with an odd tone. "Then why don't you?" I was about to answer when a loud rumbling seemed to shake the very heavens. Our visors clamped down as we looked up to see... something that looked like a demented, metallic cuttlefish coming in to land.

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