4. Parents house?

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Author pov:

Hyunjin and yeji said okay to their parents arranged marriage. Both don't like it but they said okay because they can't disobey their parents.

After Bo-young said when is their marriage gone be that time seo yea-ji spoke.

Seo Yea-ji said "We all decided to give hyunjin and yeji a big house to live together after their marriage".

Soo-hyun said "We already decorated the house. After you're both directly going to the mansion which is both your house."

Hyun-sik said "Yeah! So you both until marriage going to stay in your parents house."

Bo-young said "So now go and pack your things in your houses and come to our houses. For today night onwards you're going to stay with us."

Seo Yea-ji said "We don't want to show your both the mansion. Before your marriage we will shift all your things to your mansion. Then after marriage you are both going to see your mansion."

Hyunjin said "So, I have to leave my house."

Hyun-sik said "Yes!! My dear son"

Yeji said "So.... That means until marriage I have to stay in my parents house."

Soo-hyun said "Yes! My dear princess"

Bo-young said "Now go fast and pack your things."

Yea-ji said "Go we will wait for you at our houses. Okay bye both our lovely son and daughter."

Bo-young said "Bye now we are going to our houses."

Both their parents said bye and went outside the VIP room and left yeji and hyunjin alone.

It is awakened between hyunjin and yeji. Both don't speak a word after their parents live. The room is filled with silence.

Hyunjin dares to speak to break the stickers between them.

Hyunjin said "Hi hello. First let me introduce myself. My name is Hwang Hyunjin nice to meet you."

He said and bowled to yeji in respect.

Yeji after he introduced himself she said "Hello. My name is Hwang Yeji nice to meet you."

She also bowled to him. Both bowled to each other and..

Hyunjin said "okay bye. I'm going to pack my things and go to my parents."

Yeji said "okay bye. I'm also going."

Both said bye and went outside of the VIP room.

The party is over. Both are going to their cars and found their assistant standing in front of their car.

Hyunjin and yeji cars are parked beside each other's cars.

Hyunjin and yeji went to their assistant and said let's go and say in their car passenger seat. Their assistant Lia and Felix sat beside the driver's seat.

After they sat in their car both their eyes met. Both looking at each other's eyes without blinking.

Felix and Lia saw that both were looking at each other and smiled.

Both hyunjin and yeji stopped looking at each other when both their cars started.

After both their cars went far. Lia asked yeji " you're going to marry Mr. Hwang hyunjin right. Why didn't you tell me about this before that you're going to married. At the party when your parents said that time I heard it first time. Tell me why you didn't tell me about this before."

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