8. Visiting parents house pt.1

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When hyunjin is coming towards yeji. Suddenly yeji crossed her both hands across her body 🙅. And shouted
" Noooooooo!!!!! Don't come near me. I don't want the first night.''

Hyunjin didn't stop. He came near her. Hyunjin smirked 😏 at yeji words.

And he came near yeji ear and said
" Don't think dirty okay. I also don't want to do the first night with you. I just came here to take my mobile. "

He pointed his mobile which is in bed near the table beside yeji. Yeji was embarrassed when she heard hyunjin words.

She can't look at Hyunjin's face. And she shyly takes her hands from her body. And without saying any words she walks towards the bathroom.

Hyunjin laughed at her actions. And thought in his mind " she is really funny."

Meanwhile yeji went to the bathroom fast and locked the door. And talk to herself " yeji you are a fool. Why do you think that he just came to take his mobile without realising you told him you don't want the first night. Now how to face him😫."

And she talks to herself " don't worry yeji. This time you misunderstood him, but you can't trust him that he didn't touch you. It.. it's just a misunderstanding so no need to worry about facing him." She told herself.

Meanwhile hyunjin wore pajamas and took his mobile and saw his mobile.

After 30 minutes yeji came outside the bathroom. Hyunjin looked at the bathroom. And he is shocked 😯 to see yeji. And he said " why do you wear this at night 🤨."

                         Yeji dress

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                         Yeji dress

Yeji wears oversized jeans and an oversized jacket. The dress fully covered her body.

Yeji said to hyunjin " I like it." And hyunjin said " You like it. If you like it wear it when you go out. Why now 🤨?."

And yeji said " why do you need to know. I like it so, I wear it ."

Hyunjin said "because no-one likes you to wear these oversized heavy clothes in summer."

Yeji said "No-one wears it but I wear it. Do you have any problem if I wear these oversized heavy clothes? 😤."

Hyunjin said " Your wish whatever. And wear any clothes you like. I have no problem 🙄. I asked you because you can't sleep wearing these oversized heavy clothes at night in summer. You get sweaty."

Yeji rolled her eyes when she heard hyunjin words. Yeji then takes two pillows and a blanket. And gave it to hyunjin and said " Go and sleep outside the room or on the couch."

At first hyunjin couldn't understand why yeji gave him two pillows and a blanket. But now he understood and said " why do I have to sleep outside or on the couch."

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