Chapter Four-Meet Garnet

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"Five hundred years. Pearl, you've been here for five hundred years!"

Rose had insisted on choosing a spot to celebrate this momentous occasion, and had chosen the lookout tower.

That's right, I have been here for awhile,

Pearl smiled. Three hundred years ago they were discussing strategy. Three hundred years ago she hated Ruby and Sapphire. She chuckled.

"Rose, this is a beautiful day," Sapphire said, "but I think we need to show Pearl what we spoke about last night."

Meeting Garnet

Ruby stood up as Sapphire entered the tent.

"We need to talk to Rose." She said. Sapphire nodded, and they made their way to Rose's tent. "Rose?" She called.
Rose stepped out, but before she could speak, Sapphire cut her off.
"We need to show you something. "

They fused into a tall Red gem with three eyes. She raised her hand and created sunglasses.

"Ruby, Sapphire, " Rose gasped.

"We're Garnet now, and we want to stay Garnet." Garnet announced.

"Garnet, I am so happy for you!"

Garnet sighed.

Rose stepped forward.

"Garnet, you are not two people. You are not one person. You are an experience. Make sure, you're a good experience. "
Pearl's P.O.V.

Pearl stared at the fusion in front of her.

"Wow," she breathed.

"Ha, I'm taller than you now!" The fusion laughed.

Rose stood up and touched the gem's arm.
"This is Garnet. She won't be leaving anytime soon."

"I am gonna stay like this forever!" Garnet exclaimed.

Rose smiled again, before her expression turned serious.

"Today's the day I'm declaring war against Homeworld. It's imperative that Ruby and Sapphire attend the declaration. " Garnet nodded.

Thanks for reading! I just wanted to say, this chapter was a filler, created purely for the flashback.

Any advice? I'd love to hear it!


Do it for her...(A Steven Universe Fanfic)UNDER EDITWhere stories live. Discover now