Chapter 5

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"You made a very crucial decision without having consulted us." Jophiel spoke with a hiss in her voice. "Does our status mean nothing to you, High Seraphim? Do not forget, we were the ones who appointed you to your current position," she added, one flawless brow raised as she looked at Sera.

"My apologies to the Archangels." Sera bowed her head, her brows furrowed, and her lips turned into a thin line. "I meant no disrespect to your status when I made this decision alone. I only did what I believe was required for the sake and safety of Heaven and its souls. The powers of Hell were growing; they were becoming a threat to us. Keeping Heaven safe was my only reason for doing this," she said with outmost good faith.

There was a tone of dread in her voice. Her true seraph form was then unveiled, and many glowing eyes appeared on her body and wings as she explained her case. The seraph knew what she did was a very heartless decision. But as someone in a high position, it came with the crushing responsibility of needing to make decisions that require sacrifices for the sake of others. The demons in Hell were not her people; she didn't know if they had been plotting something or not. Her paranoia for an uprising from the demons led her to allow the exorcists yearly activities.

"I would have asked you all for your input in the matter, were all out of commission since the falling of Lucifer." Sera finished with an empathetic look on her face. Her multitude of eyes vanished, and she returned to her simple form.

Sera didn't mean to be offhand about the archangel's emotions, but she had been there. She witnessed the anguish that befell the Archangels after Lucifer's fall.

They were supposed to be seven archangels, and Lucifer was one of them. Lucifer was the archangel of light and joy. He was the lightbringer of Heaven, literally and figuratively. The bright morningstar was dearly loved by all, until he succumbed to the clutches of darkness. It was sort of twistedly ironic how the beautiful archangel of light now became the infamous king of darkness.

The archangels' eyes widened by the last statement of the seraph. A feeling of unrest and guilt sprouted within their cores from the memories of the painful past. They kept quiet, knowing the undeniable truth of the words the seraph spoke. They all had to be the ones to fight him. Lucifer was too strong for all the angels and even for all of the seraphim to handle. It was only through the effort of all six archangels that they managed to weaken him, with Michael being the one to deliver the final blow of casting him down to Hell. After that, the remaining six archangels were rarely seen and barely involved themselves in Heaven's affairs.

The naked eye could see the way the archangels clenched their fists at the reminder of what they had to do in the past. It wasn't only Lucifer who had been severely injured by the great battle; the archangel of light and joy, despite being small, had managed to cause long-term damage to each archangel, both physically and emotionally. Even Raphael, the healer, had suffered to mend their wounds. Lucifer at that time, they had not expected him to wield and possess dangerous darkness. He was the lightbringer, the morningstar of Heaven. To have an evil within him, something had corrupted him.

"Please continue telling us more on the matter," Raphael urged after being the first to recover from his inner turmoil.

"We will discuss more later about your impetuous actions, High Seraphim," Michael resolutely added.

Sera nodded her head in understanding.

"The extermination was always conducted only once a year. But six months ago, a dilemma forced us to move up the extermination. An angel exorcist's body was found beheaded in Hell. A demon has killed one of us. So we had to act to keep them from going into war to dare uprise against us. Instead of only once a year, the exorcists will go down after every six months," Sera shared.

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