Chapter 10

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"Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!" Charlie chanted nonstop.
She squealed and giggled as she quickly ran back over to her father and practically shoved the invitation right in his face. She didn't give him much time to read it or even give him time to react, as she already held Lucifer by the shoulders and frantically shook him from sheer excitement. She was too distracted to notice her father started to get dizzy from all the fevered shaking she was doing to him.
"Dad! Dad! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosshhh! Dad!" Charlie continued, letting her excitement shine and be seen by all.
"CharChar, my little apple, what is it?" Lucifer asked while still being shaken by her. His words almost sounded incomprehensible. He was hoping that once Charlie heard and answered him, she would cease this unintentional torment she was doing to him.
And fortunately for Lucifer, she did stop, but she kept her hands on his shoulders. The Princess of Hell's smile stretched the corners of her lips so wide that it almost rivaled Alastor's perma-smile. Before she spoke, she first took a deep breath to prepare all the words she was about to spew out to her father.
"Oh my gosh! Dad! We just got an invitation to an interview on Hell's biggest and most famous TV station!"
Charlie sang with her beautiful pitch all while stepping back from her father to make room for her to jump, spin, and twirl.
The sight had rainbows and sparkles emit around her, showing how clearly happy this news or invitation has made her.
"Isn't that great?" Charlie jumped back over to squeeze her father's shoulders, which earned a nervous laugh from Lucifer as he felt the pressure of her unrestrained strength. "They requested that you and I, the King and Princess of Hell, will come over to their TV station to interview us about the future of Hell after the failure of Heaven's recent extermination. This will be the perfect chance for us to advertise and spread the word about our ball and the hotel itself! Once the word is out, we'll have many sinners coming to check in on a path to redemption!" Charlie practically screamed with a melody in her words. She went back to squealing and jumping in excitement, letting go once again of her hold on her father.
The fallen angel smiled lovingly, adoring his daughter's incalculable joy, optimism, and excitement at that moment. He also unconsciously rubbed on his shoulders, which felt sore from his daughter's tight grip on him. What can he say? She was strong. Charlie was stronger than she looked. Lucifer felt a twinge of guilt for not having been present for the entire growth journey of his little girl, but he also felt a spark of pride to see her for who she was becoming now. She has grown up so much. His little duckling was now growing stronger every day, figuratively and literally.
Charlie continued jumping in place and stretching her arms up into the air. The invitation flew out of her hand, and Angel was the one who caught it. He was curious about what Charlie was being so overly enthusiastic about, not getting the gist immediately. It was after he finally took a closer look at the invitation that he realized what she had meant. Instead of feeling happy and excited for her, a feeling of immediate dread and confusion grabbed his chest when he immediately noticed the familiar and unsettling logo design on the envelope.
"Charlie, this is from the Vees." Angel put out. The tone of his voice matched the anxiousness that was all over his face.
When Alastor heard what Angel said, his ears reacted, pinning themselves to his head. His permanent smile turned into a crooked grimace as if he had eaten something that was so distateful in his mouth but still kept the corners curving upward.
"From the who now?" Lucifer questioned, still oblivious and uninformed of the Pride ring's most recent power structure.
He didn't know who the Vees were or what they were. He'd been living the hermit life for such a long time that he was unaware of Hell's latest overlords. But even before he went into his reclusive lifestyle, he never really cared about Hell's politics and powers. It was mostly Lilith who took care of it. So he was generally unaware of anything at all.
"The Vees." Alastor repeated before Angel could. However, his tone as he spoke their name held venom and repulsion in it.
"Bees?" Lucifer questioned again, misinterpreting the name. He didn't understand what was so wrong with the honey-making insects. "What's wrong with bees? They are wonderful creatures of creation that help flowers grow. Most flowering plants rely on insects such as bees for pollination, not to mention they make tasty honey and are harmless insects unless you mess with their hives." He defended, and a twinge of nostalgia hit him for a second as he was reminded of a long-buried memory from the era of creation.
Lucifer and his fellow archangels came up with the idea of those creatures together and helped each other craft the tiny beings into reality. 
"What color should we make them?" Chamuel asked.
"Hm, what about pink and green!" Jophiel suggested.
"No, something about that color palette makes them look and feel wrong." Gabriel countered.
"Look and feel wrong?! Excuse me!" Jophiel screeched, looking offended.
"Blue and purple?" Uriel quickly inserted to stop a fight from brewing.
"Nah, that still doesn't feel right." Raphael replied.
"Why two colors? Why not just make them in one color, like, I don't know, yellow?" Michael suggested, looking bored.
"But Michael, the ducks are already yellow. These bees have to be of a different color. It should be something unique that is only to them, so humans and us can distinguish them from the other creatures." Lucifer conferred, offering him a smile. 
His hands had magic dust floating around as he shaped the form of these bees into creation. 
"Fine, then black, I guess?" Michael suggested, just picking the color out from observing the lack of the black color around them in Heaven.
"Hmm, yellow and black..." Uriel hummed as he tested it out.
The magic dust he expertly and effortlessly spun in his hands formed into the bee creature they had been working on, and with the assistance of each other's powers, they threw in the colors.
A bee was created. The insect buzzed to life, floating above Uriel's hand.
"It's so cute!!! It looks perfect! I just look at it and can immediately tell it's a bee!" Lucifer gushed at the creature. 
Somehow, attracted by his voice, the bee flew out of Uriel's reach and went over to the archangel of light and joy.
"Hi there, little bee."
Lucifer quickly blinked and focused back on the present conversation at hand.
"Vees, your Majesty. Spelled with a V, not B." Husk corrected him and pointed out.
"Oh, Vees, not bees." Lucifer laughed, feeling embarrassed. "I don't know what the Vees are." he admitted, looking sheepish.
"Fuck me, that can't be right. It's from those bitches?" Cherri said. She had an angry expression on her face that ever so slightly shifted to worry as she looked over to Angel. Cherri knew that anything that involved the Vees was bad news.
"Charlie is this for real? The Vees...I don't think I have to remind ya already, but..." Angel trailed off as he was reminded of that awful day, the day he was forced to lash out at Charlie and make her cry.
"Those shitty motherfucking bitches are bad shit news." Cherri finished for Angel, not caring how vulgar she worded it out for all to hear.
"Exactly." Angel nodded at Cherri.
"Oh, yeah, I know. Isn't that Valentino guy you work for one of them?" Charlie replied. Her excited demeanor from before finally switched into a constricted one. She tried her best not to show it, but she couldn't fight back how her body visibly shuddered at the memory of her unpleasant first meeting with the moth demon.
"Yeah," Angel confirmed with a frown on his face. "Whateva' this is...I...I just don't think it's good." 
"Valentino? That fucking asshole shithead?" Vaggie got out her angelic spear, holding it in a tight grip, ready to spill sinners blood upon the mention of the name. 
What happened on that day at the porn studio was that Charlie came back, crying into Vaggie's arms as she returned. She told Vaggie everything. It broke Vaggie's heart to see Charlie cry. And the fact that fucking creep licked Charlie?! Valentino fucking dared lick her girlfriend?!! The former exorcist had never felt such a strong urge for bloodshed after falling. She had really wanted to kill, and still does want to kill, that moth demon sinner. Had Charlie not stopped her, Vaggie would have already sliced off Valentino's head off his body.
"Charlie, if Valentino is involved in this, I don't think you should accept this offer. This definitely won't be a good thing. I don't want you getting near that disgusting demon ever again." Vaggie gently took Charlie's hands into hers and gave them a gentle squeeze.
Charlie understood her girlfriend's worries, so she gave her an encouraging smile to reassure Vaggie that there was nothing to worry about.
"It will be fine, Vaggie." Charlie began as she held Vaggie's hands into hers, then looked at Angel. "It will be fine, you guys. We were invited by a different Vee and not Valentino. The guy who delivered it said it was from someone else named Vox, who my dad and I will be meeting for an interview. He's like the TV guy that's so popular all over Hell, right?" She added.
Alastor snorted a laugh; he would beg to differ. A low volume of static poured into the room at the mention of Vox, but he quickly remained calm and composed. However, he did feel insulted by Charlie's words, saying that Vox was a popular figure in Hell. Ha! Alastor wanted to maniacally laugh out loud and correct her words. But he let her say whatever for now and waited for the right time for him to truly insert his input. He didn't want them to be suspicious and prying. If he acted right now and showed extreme reactions, then he would reveal that there was something he had involved himself in before with the Vees, and most especially Vox.
Lucifer noticed his reaction along with the slight twitch in the Radio Demon's eye. He raised one eyebrow in question at him but didn't bother to dwell too much on it. His attention returned to his daughter, but it was divided as he kept a cautious eye on the red sinner.
"I don't know about this Charlie. Something about it doesn't feel right. This Vox guy just suddenly drops a letter? Saying he wants an interview? From you and your Dad? About the extermination and the future of Hell? These news media never really cared before about that besides the killing, fighting, and the turf wars that come after exterminations, so why now?" Vaggie argued.
"Well, maybe they are curious about what's gonna come next after you know we stopped the last extermination? I mean, a lot happened. We stopped the exterminators. Got Adam killed. Pretty much went against Heaven." Charlie listed, a nervous hint in her voice as it slowly dawned upon her what consequences the future held by what had happened, by what they made happen. However, Heaven had been quiet, so far from the entire ordeal. But that didn't mean it could be good.
The princess paused for a while, a bit lost in her thoughts, as the dread of everything trapped her for a moment.
"Charlie?" Vaggie got her attention, and the gentle hand she placed on her girlfriend's shoulder steeled her back into their conversation.
"Right! With all of these things that happened, I'm pretty sure everyone in Hell is wondering about what is going to happen next!" Charlie continued, ignoring her worries for now as she needed to focus on this moment of opportunity. "This will be good for the hotel. Vox has the most famous TV station here in Hell, even more famous than the news channel of that news anchor, Katie Killjoy." Charlie mentioned with a smile, but it didn't quite reach the far corners of her face. The latter was a sinner she wasn't really quite fond of, especially after that disastrous interview trying to advertise her Happy Hotel on the 666 News Channel.
"Charlie, I don't wanna burst ya bubble, but unless ya forgot, Vox is the guy who tried to spy on us, remember?" Angel crossed his arms as he pointed it out. "He used Pentious as his spy and tried planting cameras all over the hotel. If it weren't for ya Dad's protective barrier, I'm pretty sure Vox would still be tryin to plant cameras and spies here." 
Lucifer looked horrified by what he just heard. One of the things the barrier was good for was to protect them from prying eyes. He noticed the spy cams flying around their new hotel after it was rebuilt, and so he made it impossible for any cameras to record them. He also didn't like how annoying and relentlessly meddling the news or media was over him and his daughter after the failed extermination, so that was why he made the barrier. He was only hearing it now that this Vox guy had tried to spy on his daughter before.
"What?! Why am I only hearing about this now?" Lucifer demanded an answer. He slammed his fist against the table. "Someone had tried to spy on my little girl?!" 
His eyes dangerously flashed red for a quick second. The thought that someone had attempted to spy on the hotel and his daughter. And this person, Vox, has the audacity to invite him and his daughter after what he did? His mouth curled down into a snarl.
"Oh yeah, whoops. Sorry, your Majesty." Angel shrugged, giving a nervous smile. 
"Calm down, Dad. It wasn't really that big of a deal; in fact, it was actually more of a good thing." Charlie placed a gentle hand on her father's shoulder to help ground his anger.
"I'm sorry, Charlie, but what? How is spying on you a good thing?" Lucifer looked at his daughter, disbelief and worry flooding all over his face.
"Actually, had Vox not made Sir Pentious a spy, he would have never come here to the hotel and become a part of our family. I mean, yeah, it's creepy as fuck and uncomfortable to think about that we were almost spied on, but because of that bad thing, it actually came with a good thing. Sir Pentious came here with the intention of being a spy for the Vees, but he stayed. He became a resident of this hotel who believed in redemption, and he became a good friend of ours. A good friend of mine." Charlie shared, placing her other hand where her heart is. 
A sad smile draped her face as she reminisced about the time when their deceased snake friend was still with them before the battle against the angels. Her eyes turned glassy as the reminder of their lost friend pricked her heart once more.
Lucifer quickly noticed the sadness that overtook her once cheerful features. His anger was replaced with worry and empathy for his daughter. He never got the chance to be close with Sir Pentious, but he understood the pain of losing a friend and a comrade, someone you have learned to be close with. He sighed, forgetting why he was angry in the first place, and gently returned the gesture of his daughter by placing his own hand over hers, which was still on his shoulder. His attempt to comfort her was acknowledged, and Charlie smiled gratefully at her father.
His daughter may be termed a spawn of the devil, but Lucifer could see—no, he knew his daughter was kinder, more forgiving, more merciful, and more of a angel than any of those self righteous angels up in Heaven.
"You're right, kiddo. Sometimes indeed, the bad things can be good." Lucifer nodded, smiling at his daughter.
It really amazes him sometimes how his daughter always looks at the good side of things despite every obstacle that comes to persecute her. He used to be like that as well until he fell, stripped of his heavenly title, banished to Hell, and was never allowed to see the good ever again, only the wicked and cruel. He lost his will to believe in good and his will to dream. But here was his daughter, helping him see and believe in that beauty and hope once again. She was helping him to learn to see the good, helping him to dream again.
While the two Morningstars were having their father-daughter moment, Alastor chose to finally insert himself at that perfect moment, knowing very well that it would wonderfully exasperate the King of Hell.
"If I may say your Highness and your Majesty." Alastor intentionally made his voice so loud that the attention of the two Morningstars and the rest of the hotel residents turned all to him.
Alastor smiled so sickeningly sweet at them with his toothy grin, relishing the twitch in one of Lucifer's eyes and the way Lucifer's smile quickly turned into a frown. The king of Hell bared his sharp teeth at him, looking ready to strangle him for his audacity to interrupt their family moment. But that was exactly what Alastor wanted.
"I suggest you do not get yourselves involved with these people." Alastor put out, keeping his smile wide and his tone neutral.
"Uh-huh." Lucifer pursed his lips, looking skeptically at Alastor. His brain was trying to rack through why Alastor would give them that advice.
Lucifer had yet to know who these Vees were, but it seemed they were clearly in the negative, as no one in the hotel right now had a positive comment on them besides his daughter.
"The Vees, Princess, they may be well known all around in Hell, as you would say," Alastor began with a singsong voice. At the end, he brought up his hand from under the table and was nonchalantly looking at his red claws, rubbing them on his coat, and then blowing at them. "However, getting involved with at least one of them will not always have a fructiferous ending for anyone who does so."
"Smiles, is right, Charlie. Trust me, I know it myself." Angel backed up Alastor's claim.
"As much as I hate having anything to agree with Alastor, Charlie, he's right. I just don't have a good feeling about this." Vaggie remarked, her eyes almost pleading towards her girlfriend.
"But you guys, this could be good." Charlie relented, undeterred by their words.
They might or might not think that she was being too naive, but she wasn't. She wasn't being naive with her decisions or her plans. Charlie may have all the rainbows, sparkles, and sunshine on the outside, which makes her look like she is prone to deception, but she just always wanted to look on the bright side of the bad things. She wasn't stupid to think and know that perhaps indeed Vox may be just inviting them to get dirt on them, but Charlie focused on the opportunity that lay out with helping spread the word out for the hotel. They didn't have the luck before and even got their old commercial blocked and never shown to anyone in Hell ever again. But this time she was determined to take this chance, despite the repercussions that might come from it.
"Besides, this is our chance to exactly get the word out about our upcoming ball! We're going to need this interview to help tell all sinners of Hell. Like, I get what you are all saying. I know I need to be careful, and I will. Also, my Dad is coming with me; who would even dare do anything against my Dad?" Charlie said.
"Very well, Princess." Alastor hummed, not wanting to argue, knowing he did what he could by already warning them.
He tried not to show his displeasure, but he felt a small tingle of this unsettling feeling. Vox or the Vees never cared about Hell's royal family. And to suddenly invite the princess and king to an interview at their tower? Alastor knew in his gut that this invitation wasn't done without thought. There's a goal in mind, he can tell there is something the Vees are trying to achieve out of this. He was having a mental debate with himself about what he was going to do or say about it. Clearly, there is no changing Charlie's mind about going to this interview. Lucifer was just a mindless oaf who would go along with what his daughter chose. Therefore, he could only think of two choices to go from here on out.
Either he let the two Morningstars be, or he could go along with them.
"Since it is in the best interest of the hotel that you have in mind, my dear, then I, as your faithful hotelier, should come along with you and his Majesty."

Why am i like this? This is what always happens. I give my reason as to why i havent and cannot update. Then a spike or wave of inspiration hits me and then bam!! finished the chapter! fuck writers block! I win! I will survive! 😃😃😃

Anyway, i hope u guys like it. Dont worry i know sir pentious and emily havent made an appearance since chap 3 which is why i (hopefully) have the right or feel to insert them and make their appearance once again in the next chapter 😊

Thank you and bye! Here's another fanart which i just posted today on ig 😎😎😎

And thank you all so much for your kind words on my drawings ☺️☺️☺️

And thank you all so much for your kind words on my drawings ☺️☺️☺️

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More than anythinggggg~🎵 😭😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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