Chapter 6

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Back to the present timeline

Another day came to greet the hellish realm of the Ring of Pride along with all its hellish denizens. The morning sky in the Pride Ring was a permanent blood-red canvas with either pink or maroon clouds encompassing it. The eternal pentagram symbol embraced the entirety of the sky; the eerie black moon was engraved with a red pentagram; and then there's the striking, ever-glowning white orb with angelic-like wings, which was the realm of heaven.

The difference between night and day was barely noticeable in Hell. And if a demon or a sinner lived in the Pride ring without a clock, then they would not be aware whether it was night or day. However, a careful eye could make out the shift in hues, wherein night was a bit more of a purplish red while morning had more saturation.

Another day in Pentagram City was just the same old hellish day where the sinners go through the eternal cycle of pain, suffering, and sin. The smell of blood was always thick in the air, and the putrid scent of rotting bodies was always present. Obscene and other stomach-churning acts of sinners flooded the streets and soiled houses every day.

It was still early in the morning, yet many curses were creatively spun and thrown at each other. One particular sinner, an overlord, was having a curse fest as his eyes trained on a sight he wishes to eradicate in the most fucked-up way.

"Son of a motherfucking bitch! What the fucking fuck fucker fuck?! That fucker didn't die!!? Shit!! That asshole! Fucking coward! Fuck you Alastor!"

Vox continued to curse as he slammed his fists against the flat surface of a table. The sheer force caused small cracks. The overlord was livid and kept on screeching a not-so-poetic string of curses in absolute disbelief. His glare was fixed on one of his screens, looking at the live footage his drone cameras were capturing at that moment. It was none other than an alive Alastor who Vox thought should have died or at least fled into hiding from his embarrassing defeat against Adam.

With the old hotel destroyed by the battle against the exorcist angels and Adam, so did the demise of the many spy cams Vox had somehow been able to place inside the hotel. He definitely planned on placing new spy cams in the newly built Hazbin Hotel so he could continue spying over its residents. He wanted to be aware of everything that happened inside.

Especially with Lucifer now involved in his bratty daughter's bound-to-fail redemption project. From what Vox had been able to gather by spying on the new Hazbin Hotel, the king was now a more permanent resident there. No longer hiding in his castle that no sinner knows the location of. The apple-shaped room at the top-high corner of the hotel was Lucifer's. Vox was more than eager to look for details—hiccups, gossip, weaknesses—anything that he could film and use against the princess and king of hell. He and the other Vees already had it planned. They were going to catch whatever dirty secrets the princess and king could have and then use them against them as leverage to get what they wanted. The Vees craved power, influence, and control all over Hell, and who better to target than the ruler of Hell himself?

The fallen angel had lived as a recluse for a long time. The nature of why was still yet to be known to Vox. The overlord was going to find out, and it could be something so shameful that he could blackmail the king into submission under his control. But if it wasn't anything remarkably significant, then Vox was sure there were other secrets he would unearth and exploit.

However, under the circumstances that Lucifer in some way doesn't have any dirty secrets under his skin, then there's always the next best thing. Lucifer's greatest known weakness is his very own daughter.

The princess of Hell may be powerful, second only to Lucifer, along with the absent wife of the king. But she was too timid and reluctant to command and make use of the power within her. For a spawn of the devil, Charlie looked weak and easy to manipulate in their eyes.

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