The Place That Defines Me

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I desperately run through the dense trees that define the large forest; my heart pounding and my mind urging to find my pack. The sky grows darker as the night approaches which has made the search more treacherous. I notice fresh paw prints in the soft, wet ground a few steps ahead of me. I realize that they have gone to the river and I will never see them again. I transform slowly back into my human form screaming in agonizing pain as a tear rolls down my cheek. My family is gone I think to myself dropping to my knees. I now have no companions and no home. Sitting in the mud, I remember that I still have to find shelter. Anywhere should do, as long as I am protected from the dangers of other creatures. I rise to my feet and begin to run.

My bare toes sink into the soft mud as I sprint towards the tallest and widest tree in the forest. I remember coming here to think when I was little, when I learned of what I really am; a werewolf. My thoughts, ideas, and feelings were written in a diary that I left in the tree never to be shared. My body begins to slow down as I reach the roots of the memorable tree and I begin to ascend the sides. I continue to climb until I reach the platform surrounded by the large oak's branches.

In the dark of night I can no longer see where I am but luckily I memorized where my sleeping place was. From what I remember it was not very comfortable. It is simply a hole in the trunk of the tree but at least it's somewhere I can rest. A cold breeze rushes through the branches as if it is in a hurry to cool things down. Goosebumps form along every inch of my skin as I shiver. Sometimes I am very thankful to be a werewolf; I can have a beautiful, warm fur coat whenever I become cold. I endure the painful transformation that fills my body with warmth and I lay in the, hopefully, not so uncomfortable corner of my tree awaiting the morning.

The sun rises and I allow myself to wake up. I observe every visible inch of my surroundings before stretching my legs and standing up, obviously dazed from the recent events. A gentle breeze blows through my soft, grey fur as I turn my head in the direction of my diary.

'Maybe I could start writing again.' I think to myself. I endure the pain of transforming yet again. I grab my diary and open it to the next blank page.

April 27, 1846

Dear Diary,

I don't understand how a seventeen year old werewolf could lose her pack and live in a tree. A human yet a wolf. It has never made sense to me how this is possible. Every year my pack goes to the river so every member can find a mate, but this year I fell behind. I will never see them again since they will each become part of a new pack. It is officially my first morning being completely alone. This has never happened to me before, being alone for a long period of time. I know where I might find a water source, and I have my coat. My tree should be a good place for shelter for a while. The hardest part of this situation is going to be defending my territory; the last lesson I was supposed to learn before actually living on my own. Wish me luck!


I close my journal as I set it down on the table my father had carved for me from an oddly curved branch. My mouth becomes dry; I haven't had any water in quite a few hours. It takes a few minutes to remember that there is a watering hole only about half a mile away from the tree. My cousin, Teddy and I would always go swimming in the watering hole after a day of being in the tree. I take a few steps in the direction of the water and remember that I need to protect my new home in some way.

"Water is more necessary right now" I tell myself aloud while continuing my walk.

"Come on Cori! Lets go." I hear a voice yell.

"Don't rush me! I like to pay attention to the scenery." Another voice yells back. Almost out of nowhere a huge beast with short brown fur, gigantic paws and a deformed face, mauls the first hiker. Terrified I hide behind the closest tree and quietly begin to climb. I hear the shrieks of the first man continue for a minute, but the noise turns to silence. The ferocious growls of the animal had concluded and it was almost completely silent. I hear foot steps, like those of a human. Was one of the hikers alive? My eyes are directed to the scene quickly and curiously. I see a tall man with dark hair and eyes. He looks terrified as the blood stains his shirt. The beast and the man. The knife and his hand. The hiker killed this unfamiliar beast. My legs begin to shake before I jump from the tree. I want to get closer but I am horrified by the sight ahead of me.

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