Chapter 1

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"Emma Bowlingball."

I rolled my eyes as soon as I heard that stupid nickname and I also started smiling brightly, I had missed this. Seconds later none other than my best friend Miles stood next to me.

Without wasting any time, he threw his arms around me, causing me to tense but I was luckily able to play it of as surprise, at least I hope I did.
"I missed you Emma" he whispered while still holding me tightly.

He had always done this since the day we met, which was at the start of Freshman year, so why was I uncomfortable now? Oh, right because of HIM. I refused to say his name ever since it happened. My therapist says I should, but what does she know. I hate going but my mom insists. She says I'll regret not going or something, I honestly didn't listen.

"Earth to Emma." I looked at Miles to see that he had let go of me and had started waving his hand in front of my face. "Sorry" I mumbled incoherently, hoping he'd still hear. "Junior year without you was miserable" He complained.

I just shrug my shoulders in response because what should I even say.

I did my junior year online because of what had happened and the only people who knew what had happened were my mom, my dad, and my therapist. Oh yeah and some doctors, who I didn't really know because again my mom is paranoid. I was fine, I knew I was, but nobody believed me. It happened and I can't change that, but I'm totally over it or I think I am.

"I'm back now" I ended up answering, which seemed to satisfy him. Just then the bell rang signalling the start of the school day. I smiled up at him and said, "See you at Lunch."

Miles had all honours classes while I did not. It sucked sometimes but honestly, I've been over it since sophomore year and hey at least I have less homework than he does.

After waving goodbye I quickly made my way to class. I had History first, what a boring subject. My seat used to be in the back. Not anymore though, because well I'm trying to pay attention. I just can't focus if I don't sit in the front, but now after seeing who also sat in the front, I was seriously considering sitting in a seat as far away from the front as possible.

What are the odds of HIM sitting there?

Why did I forget that he went here?

Suddenly he looked up and saw me standing there, just my luck. Thankfully just then one of his friends called him, telling him to sit with them at the back and I had my front seat back.

It wasn't long before the teacher came, and I even forget he was here until the bell rang. I quickly packed up my stuff and just as I was ready to leave, I heard him call my name „Emma".

Every single body part of mine froze and I couldn't even blink before I started running away. „Emma, I just want to talk about our fight" he yelled after me.

What fight?

That part confused me, did he not know what he did to me?

Sure, we fought, if you could call me telling him no and him yelling at me in response, a fight.

I couldn't deal with him today, or ever.

I was fine. I kept repeating that in my head in order to calm myself, while I debated on what to do. Clearly, it's not a good idea to talk to him, but I also couldn't run away, he was faster than me.

To my luck I didn't need to come up with a solution because someone yelled his name across the hall. "Gavin, please come to my office. We need to have a conversation" None other than our Principal yelled across the hall. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

Hah, karma is a bitch or so I thought.

Me being as nosy as I am, I turned around to face our principal as well and I freeze as well.

Standing right next to my principal are my Mom and my Dad, what are they doing here?

Ok, stupid question.

Why are they doing this to me?

Isn't everything they've forced me to do since everything happened enough punishment for my actions. They hate me for what happened, no one could convince me otherwise.

I could feel my breaths getting quicker, a panic attack. I wasn't surprised that I was about to have a panic attack, I was more so surprised that it didn't happen earlier.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I immediately felt better. "What are your parents doing here?" Miles asked me, while smiling at me.

He had always been oblivious to everything, so him not realizing what was happing with me wasn't unusual.

Still, whenever he was around I felt better regardless of what was going on.

I'm sorry for not updating for months even though I said I would try.

I want to say that I tried and just didn't have time and that's partially true, but honestly even though writing may still be something that I love and enjoy, it's just not something that I can do regularly.

I'm not saying I'll never write again, what I'm saying is that this whole Wattpad thing was fun for a while, but it's not making me as happy as it used to make me.

This account will stay exactly as it has been for years, because I know I love going back to reread old things sometimes and I wouldn't want to take that opportunity away from anyone. I'll also update whenever I feel like it, which won't be often. Maybe I'll start editing my books so they aren't fan fics anymore or I won't. Basically I have no idea what I'm gonna do in the future so yeah.

No one will probably care, but maybe someone does care.

Love y'all,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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