100,000 Hours

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The smile never left Taeyeon's face as she read the email she just received in her personal account. The email subject alone made her felt giddy inside.

"Happy 12th Valentine's Day"

Twelve-year was not a short period of time to spend with one person. There was a lot could happen within twelve years. There were three presidential changes in South Korea within those years. There were more than ten iPhone releases within that period of time. Queen Elizabeth II passed away and finally Prince Charles become a King. Ice bucket challenge was a thing. Leonardo Di Caprio finally won an Oscar. Same sex marriage became legal in US. So many things happened. But here Taeyeon was, still together with her sweet heart. The one person who sent the email which made a smile drawn on her face.

From: tiffyoung.kim@naver.com

Taeyeon looked outside the window, looking at the rain came down from the sky. The drops hit the glass singing out the comforting symphony in Taeyeon's ears. In the comfort of her bed, underneath the warm blanket, accompanied by the nature rhythm from the rain outside the window, she finally opened the email.

"Happy Valentine's Day, my wife!"

The greetings itself made her heart warm.


Started off as best friends in college, who would've guessed they would become wives? It was as if yesterday she used Valentine's day as an excuse to say she loved Tiffany without any worry of risking their friendship. It was as if just yesterday Tiffany came into her room, bringing a cute teddy bear holding a pink envelope. The love letter which she received confession of her best friend's feelings. The love letter which started their relationship.

Taeyeon continued reading the email she received.

"I know you must be in our bed, comforting yourself under the blanket. How convenient, huh? I also want to be there with you, cuddling while listen to the playlist which consists of your favorite songs, listening to your sweet talkings, and exchange our Valentine's gift.

Can you believe that we've been together for twelve years already? And those twelve years exclude the previous six years we spent as friends. And the funny thing is, even all those years being together with you, never once I get bored of loving you. That's how I believe, we're really destined to be together."

Taeyeon let out a soft chuckle as she read the first two paragraphs of the email. Tiffany was always straight forward. She wasn't the type of person who would love bomb you everyday. So on special occasions like today, Tiffany's sweet words meant a lot for Taeyeon. She continued reading the email.

"Do you remember eight years ago when I proposed to you in our bed room? I could not express with words how did I feel after you said yes to my proposal. I really wanted to scream at the rooftop, announcing the news, but I was distracted by the present I prepared for you that night."

Taeyeon laughed, understanding the present Tiffany referred to, was the strap on for her gift. The present was like a cherry on top of the cake — which was the proposal. The Valentine's day eight years ago was really special for her, and she believed for Tiffany as well. It was the Valentine's day where they took one step forward to their relationship.

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