Over Heart

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"Fany-ah! Happy Valentine's day!" A cute blonde girl, ran into Tiffany's room and jumped childishly on the latter's bed, forcing the girl to wake up.

"Taetae! It's still early in the morning on Sunday! Why are you excited already?" Tiffany grunted, while lazily opening her eyes. Her hair was a mess, some strands covered her bare face but it did not subside her beauty. "And stop jumping on my bed! You are almost 23 years old for God's sake!" said the sleepy girl as continued grunting.

"It's Valentine's day, Fany! Wake up!!" Taeyeon finally stopped jumping and sat beside the half-awaken girl.

"I don't care! I don't have boyfriend anyway!" Tiffany shoved her best friend's petite figure grumpily.

"But you have me, your girlfriend! Wake up!"

"You're not my girlfriend, Taetae! Just let me sleep!" Tiffany turned her body, back facing Taeyeon, mumbling something like 'annoying dwarf', and closed her eyes, trying to sleep again.

"Fany doesn't love Taetae. Taetae is very sad." Taeyeon whined cutely which usually never failed to get Tiffany's attention for two reasons: first, Taeyeon's cute attempts usually ended up failed and it made Tiffany laugh; second, it simply annoyed Tiffany.

"Shut up, Kim Taeyeon."

"Fany..." Taeyeon kept whining but Tiffany no longer responded. She frowned at the sight of Tiffany's back facing her. Her housemate did not seem to be in the mood to celebrate Valentine's day whilst, in contrast, Taeyeon could not hold her excitement for today. Out of three hundred sixty-five days in a year, Taeyeon only had this one day to freely say she loved Tiffany without worrying the latter would hate her and destroy their six-year long friendship.

"Miyoung..." Taeyeon tried to call out once again, this time using Tiffany's Korean name in another attempt to annoy the girl and get the attention she hoped for. To her dismay, she only got a soft snore as a reply. The blonde chuckled understandingly, realizing that her best friend has fallen back asleep already. She leaned forward to take a peek at the pretty girl who was sleeping peacefully before leaning closer to plant a light kiss on Tiffany's cheek.

"Happy Valentine's day, Fany. I love you." Taeyeon whispered lovingly before she finally stood up to leave Tiffany's room. It was still early in the morning and she got the rest of the day to let Tiffany hear her saying she loved her, just like what she always did on every Valentine's day.

Taeyeon came into her own room and sat on her desk. She took a certain book from the drawer with the inscription 'TT story' boldly written on it. She stared at it for a while and smiled, remembering when Tiffany once asked her about what 'TT' meant; she had told her it was a crying emoticon. She also told her best friend that this book was a journal of her depressing thoughts, which made Tiffany grimace. Telling her that she would never try to read such depressing journal. It was one of the lies she told Tiffany to hide her true feelings. The fact was, 'TT' stood for Taeyeon and Tiffany, and the book was actually the journal of her stories with Tiffany. Every special moment she had with Tiffany was there for her to remember. There were colourful page markers plastered on some pages. The yellow ones were to mark their movie dates, the blue ones were to mark their special celebrations such as Birthdays, Christmas, and new years. And the ones with Tiffany's favourite colour, pink, were to marked every Valentine's day they spent together.

Taeyeon didn't want to write any entry for today just yet. But since Tiffany was still asleep in her own room, she decided to reminisce the memories about her past Valentine's days. She opened the first pink page marker. It was the entry she wrote at the first Valentine's day after Taeyeon realised her feeling for Tiffany, back then in the University, when both of them still lived in a dorm, having rooms side by side.

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