Big Time Haloween

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A bell was rung a bitter come on screen as a ghost welcoming people to the palm woods." "Welcome to Palmwoodsylvania. A hallo-weird world where human and monsters live side by side." Bitters said as his hands turn into the direction where Frankenstein Carlos was speaking gibberish as she stopped in front of Jo

Sounds great. I will be there." Then it turn to zombie Logan where he greets someone

Guitar dude, up high." Logan high five the dude but his arm comes off in the process

Oh, sorry, Logan zombie dude." Guitar dude trying to apologize.

Oh, just give it to me." Zombie, Logan walks off with his arm and his other hand while the screen turns to vampire James as he takes his shirt off and he glowing in the light

Here you'll see vampires, glimmering by our pool." Bitter said

Don't be afraid, ladies. I don't bite." James said as he showed off his teeth. As the scene continues with bitter getting back into frame showing werewolf Jupiter getting something from the vending machine

As you see, you'll get a meaty snack as the vending machines." The cameras turned to Jupiter who was take a bite out of a big turkey leg and proceeded to walk away then as we go to the next scene where bitters finishes his intro

So enjoy your stay. Your sure to have a howling good time." Bitters maniacally laughing as he vanishes as Kendall jump on the couch and looks out the window

Why do you keep looking out the window."

Just checking how long before.... You know!

What's the big deal? Jupiter lets out her wolf side every Halloween." Katie said to him

The big deal is, Jos's coming up, but I sort of never told her that I'm a werewolf

What? How have you kept it form her this long?

The same way I'm going to tonight. I'll say that in sick." Kendall say as he fakes coughing, or that you grounded me." He told his mom as they heard the doorbell ring." "And don't say anything about the Halloween big night of fright party we're singing at tonight." As he opens the door and seeing it was Jo

Hey, I ran into Frankenstein Carlos, and he invited me to the Halloween big night of fright party you're singing at tonight." She said with a smile as he hesitates

Great! He said

( Skip intro )

At rocque records

It's alive.

It's alive! Gustavo yelled

Created another singing monster, dr. Rocquenstien?" "No. It's a live album from btr and Jupiter. I'm putting them in the goodie bags for griffin's big night of fright tonight." He said as he walked over to the bags and putting the albums in there

Hell me." Griffin appeared in a red suit scaring Gustavo and Kelly

What now, griffin? The goodie bags are almost done, and my monster singer and band are ready to rock your party tonight." Her stated

Yes, about that new research that the monster singer and band are dead. In fact the only people that are popping is Jupiter and Kendall, because they look normal on their album covers."

Yeah, until there's a full moon, then they are a shag carpet with paws."

Well, make them normals,because my annual big night of fright party  is going to be full of board members and stockholders, and they and I want big time rush and Jupiter to be hot boy band and singer not a has-been monster singer and band." Griffin said

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