Big Time Crush

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As Valentine's Day approaches, everyone is excited for their dates, except  for Carlos who struggles to get himself a date. So the boys made a plan to finally get Carlos a date and hopefully a girlfriend to celebrate Valentine's Day with

Kendall who's a behind the bushes wearing a tree hat looking at the girl the plan on setting Carlos with

This is tree hat, I repeat this is tree hat. Everyone in positions." Kendall spoke on the wakie

Helpless old lady, ready." Logan picking from the corner he was in

Purse snatcher, good to go." James spoke picking out from behind a potted plant as he puts on a ski mask

Jupiter walks pass the girl putting flowers on a table

Flowers locked and loaded." Jupiter spoke into the walkie talkie

Copy that. Operation get Carlos a girlfriend under way." Kendall said as he rushed over to talk to Carlos

You ok." Jupiter asked

"I'm Nervous." Carlos Said

"Look. Girls love hero's, so punch out the mugger, give granny her purse back, and then grab the flowers and give them to the pretty girl. And boom instant girlfriend." Kendall Said

"Got it." Carlos Said

"Good luck, lover boy." Kendall Said

Kendall and Jupiter went back to his hiding place and as he made the signal for the plan to take action

Logan steps out from the tent, getting into character, as James comes out of hiding as well.

"Oh, I'm so old and frail and look, my purse it's so full of money." Logan Said, as James runs up on him tugging at his purse.

"Give me your purse." James Said

"No Stop it!, help me!" Logan Said

The girl looks up at the situation happening in front of her, then Carlos shows up.

"I'll save you." Carlos Said

He breaks up the two and successfully gets the purse out of James hands.

"Thank you..." Logan Said, but Carlos cuts him off and punches him in the face.

The girl was in shock, Jupiter shook her head in disbelief, seeing that Carlos messed up then he and I gave the flowers to James then taking the "stolen purse" and handing it to the girl. And she follows up with screams and running away

"Yeah. We probably should have rehearsed more." Kendall Said, into the walkie talkie.

You don't say." Jupiter sarcastically said

Carlos takes the flowers back from James and hands it over to Logan, who looks at him.

"Really." Logan Said


After the failed attempt at getting Carlos a girlfriend, Carlos sadly walked to the apartment and sit on the couch and defeat

I'm never going to get a girlfriend." Carlos said." " Carlos grabs the remote next to him and turns on the TV which shows a commercial for a new movie.

"And do you have a girlfriend?"

"No." Carlos Said

"Then take her to see the movie Kiss and Tell which opens tonight. It's the story of a lawyer too busy for love, and a own-and-out chef with a recipe for romance.It's a film so romantic but if you're not smooching in the aisles you're dead. Or alone."

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