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I leave the meeting a little worried.

Columbia: Hey.

I see my predecessor waiting for me while she gives me an informal greeting.

Me: Hello.

Columbia: What about the meeting? You seem a little worried.

Me: It's nothing important, we were just talking about the war and what we could do.

Columbia: And?

Me: Tomorrow, I will be assigned on a mission with all the submarines of the Eagle Union since the Royal Navy still doesn't have any submarines (Despite the fact that during World War II, the UK had many submarines, come on Yostar, make British submarines a reality).

Columbia: I see, so we have time to strengthen our friendship.

Ok, where do you want to go?

Columbia: Ahhhh, I don't know, how about we take a walk without a destination?

Me: It's okay.

Columbia: Let's go! Let's go!

Columbia is very excited, and I am also a little bit. We were walking when I detected a presence watching us from hiding, so I glanced sideways and could see Cleveland smiling warmly at seeing that we are getting along well.

I followed Columbia as we walked through the commercial area. We were able to see many open stores, or rather, I could see more stores than before. I could see that Akashi opened a gigantic store, I still don't understand how she built that store out of nowhere. I also saw the Amazon store where she sells books to improve Skill.

Columbia: It looks like everything is very lively around here.

Me: Yes, there are more stores than the first time I came here, it was when the war started.

In that, I see Portland buying more than 10 manjuus at the Ning Hai store.

Houston: Are you going to eat all of that!?

Portland: I am going to eat it with my sister.

Me: (I had forgotten that Portland is a siscon)

Columbia: What do you like to do?

Me: What do I like to do?

Columbia: Do you have any hobbies or something like that?

Me: (What can I respond? I can't say that I like video games because I think they don't exist in this world) I think I like going for walks and playing a game with my friends.

Columbia: Why do you say "I think?"

Me: I had already told you that I recently acquired this body when I came into this world. I am still getting to know my preferences, I have only been here for a few months. I still need to get to know myself.

Columbia: You're right.


Meanwhile, we have Javelin and Laffey cleaning Javelin's ship. Javelin is staring into space while sighing, she remembers Ayanami, who is the enemy. On the other hand, Laffey finishes cleaning her side and she sees Javelin doing nothing but sighing while looking into space.

Javelin: We are enemies... but... I don't want to regret it!

In that moment, she is bathed by Laffey. Laffey had grabbed a hose and aimed it at Javelin, the water coming out of the hose falls onto Javelin.

Laffey: Javelin, don't play lazy.

Javelin: How dare you?

At that moment, both girls shot each other using water.

Then the girls have a fanservice scene in the public baths which I will skip.

After the hot springs, we have Javelin, Unicorn, and Laffey talking about Ayanami.

Unicorn: Ayanami? Ah, you mean that girl from the empire who found Yuu-chan.

Javelin: Yes, we're supposed to be enemies, so this might sound really bad, but... I don't want to give up on her, I want to be friends with Ayanami.

Unicorn: (Nodding) I don't know anything about her, but I don't want to fight against any kansen from any faction, that's wrong.

Laffey: We haven't started anything.

Javelin: Thank you, thank you very much.

At that sleepover, they all agreed that they don't want to fight against another kansen, but that's how war is. Then they continued talking about more relaxed topics to have a good time before going to sleep.

Meanwhile, Enterprise has a dream where she remembers Yorktown's words before coming to the Pearl Harbor base. Then she wakes up and goes for a walk while looking at the moon, and she encounters Belfast.

Belfast: Enterprise, can't you sleep?

Enterprise: I felt that the sea was calling me...

Belfast: Excuse me?

Enterprise: I'm just joking.

Belfast: That is very strange coming from you.

Enterprise: You're right, maybe I'm a little emotional.

Belfast: (Serving a drink) You should keep your body warm, it gets cold at night.

At that moment, Belfast hands a cup of coffee to Enterprise.

Enterprise: (doubts) Coffee at this time?

In that moment, Belfast shows a bottle of liquor and Enterprise smiles a little.

Enterprise: You are a very naughty woman.

Then they started drinking while telling many anecdotes, which helped Enterprise relax a lot.

Meanwhile, they could see that there is a fleet of submarines being deployed to patrol the waters near Midway.

To be continued

Keep forgot to press publish lol and do you like this more or the 1long one?

New keybord! woooooooo! so i try to cook some thing form my language and i take like 3 day and it still not half way done lmao.

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