Chapter 2

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"Wake up bitch, we have shit to get done today."

Opening my eyes a bit I close them instantly being blinded by sunlight. Who the hell in god's name is waking me up at this hour?

"Who ever it is better know I have a gun in my side table, because I'm about to pop a cap in their ass if they don't let me be." I say through gritted teeth rubbing my eyes with one hand and reaching for my side table with the other.

"You wouldn't dare shoot your most favourite person in the world up the ass."

Now knowing it is my best friend who has woken me up I'm less angry but more annoyed, she knows I hate being woken up. I like to wake up by myself so I know I've had enough sleep.

"Holy lord, is that you Dylan O'Brien!?" I say to my friend in fake excitement opening my eyes I see my best friend Sophie stare at me with a frown.

"I'm your favourite person not Dylan...- Even though I wouldn't mind a piece of him myself..." she says with a perverted smile on her face, laughing at how stupid she looks right now I throw my blankets back over my head and tuck in.

"Oh no you don't get out of bed NOW!" Sophie yells at me. Ignoring her I close my eyes. I hear her foot steps retreating. By the sounds of her steps I know she has gone into my bathroom. Ha stupid girl.

Crawling out of bed I place my pillows under my blankets to make it look like a body is under them and sneak into my closet keeping the door open a little.

Watching Sophie tiptoe back to my bed with a bucket of water is more than hilarious, watching her struggle to not drop or tip water over the sides.

Sophie is only a dainty little thing at the height of 5'3. Her long light brown hair has been curled into beach curls that sit perfectly against her back. She is quite fair and has a curvy body. I think she is perfect but she always goes on about how she is too short and her butt is too big blah blah blah. I usually block her out when she goes on about it.

Looking at her face she looks so smitten with herself thinking she is going to wake me up with a water attack.

Her green eyes twinkling, most likely at the thought of seeing me in utter shock. Oh this should be good.

When she goes and lifts the bucket up I burst out of the closet. "IT'S A RAID GET DOWN BITCHES." I yell at the top of my lungs intentionally giving her a fright.

What I had not intended on was her pouring the water all over herself. So you could only imagine my face in that moment. All I could do was drop to the ground and laugh; at the pure shock and anger that is plastered on Sophie's face.

"You actually thought that me, a highly skilled and trained person, would fall for your little antics." I yell trying to breath.

"Your fac...-" I couldn't finish my sentence because I was overwhelmed by another laughing fit, while laughing I jerk up causing myself to get a cramp in my stomach.


Looking up at Sophie in pure agonising pain, she stares at me having a little fit on the ground because of how much pain I am in. And then she drops to the ground in a laughing fit herself.

Shit karma is a bitch.

"Your...your face was hilarious" she only just manages to get out.

Me not being very impressed on what has just happened, I get up and go to my bathroom slamming the door shut.

10 minute shower later.

Walking out of the bathroom I see Sophie sitting on my bed in my clothes. She must have gotten changed.

Looking at where Sophie was laying on the ground just before, I see the water has been cleaned up. Laughing to myself I walk over and plonk myself down next to her.

"Nice shirt bitch." I say to her while she continues texting whoever it is.

"Thanks. I got it from a hobo," she says sweetly glancing at me. It took me awhile to process what she had said, but before I could react I hear my father's voice go over the speakers. "Lilly Bella Anderson come to my office NOW." He basically yells over the speakers. Dang does he not know you don't have to yell at the microphone to get people's attention.

Looking at Sophie's face I see worry etched into it. "Hey don't worry it's most likely nothing. Soph you don't have to get worried everytime he calls for me." I say looking at her face with a reassuring smile. She smiles back and mumbles "be quick please." She then looks back down at her phone continuing whatever she must have been doing before.

Running quickly to my closet I grab out some clothes and put them on before running out of my room and to my father's office; before I really get in trouble.

Passing all the people they all shy away from me, too scared to actually make eye contact with me.

Good they are afraid, I like it like that. This way no one will talk to me. I don't like many people. The only person I actually like is Sophie, and I only just tolerate her sometimes.

I have built up quite a reputation in this gang. Everyone knows who I am and to stay away. Well everyone but Sophie of course. She has been on my heels ever since we were babies.

The only reason I know Sophie is because her father use to be my dads best friend. But sadly him and his wife died in a car crash when she was three. She has lived with her Aunty ever since.

Slowing my pace down I calmly walk up to the all too familiar oak wood doors. Knocking twice I take a deep breath in well here goes nothing.

"Come in."


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'd like to say thanks to the most amazing person in the world for editing this Sooophhie

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