Chapter 3

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Opening the doors I see my father's huge figure looking down at his work.
Walking over to the seats in front of his desk I admire him.

At the age of 45 his body is in pretty good shape. His short brown hair is going grey, his hair looks messier than usual. It must have been from running his hand through it too much. He is not a little man. At the height of 6'3, short is not a word you would use to describe my father. His tan skin looks paler than usual. His broad shoulders are slumped a bit.

That's weird he is always going on about posture, saying "if you slump it only makes you look weaker" and let me tell you now, my father is not a weak man.

Glancing at his face I now see he is staring at me with no emotion whatsoever evident in his dark brown eyes. I like to say they almost look black. Just like his heart.

Looking closely at his facial features I can see that he is hiding something.

When I was being trained one of the things I had to study was body language, which means I can pick up on the smallest of things and I could instantly tell what a person intentions were. My father told me it was so that I could learn to control and manipulate my emotion and also trick people into thinking I am an open book, when my intentions were completely different, it has also taught me not to always look at the eyes but look at muscles in the face.

And looking at my father right now I can tell he is going to tell me something I don't wanna know.

"Hello papà." I am only to call my father papà I am not allowed to call him anything else.

"How is work?" I ask him only casually looking at his slightly stubble covered jaw. "None of your business bambina." he is part Italian and sometimes he speaks it to me, but he tries not to because that was one language he didn't want me to learn. Something about me being able to eavesdrop in on his "important" conversations that I dont need to know. But I do know some Italian.

"Why have you brought me here papà." I try say without sounding disrespectful.

"I have brought you here because...-" He stops and looks around the room a bit. There is definitely something up.
Looking at my father I see his eyes for a slight moment flicker to sadness before returning back to his normal facade of no emotion.

Looking back at me he stares into my eyes causing me to stare back. "There is a new gang." He sighs out while rubbing his jaw, he looks down and then continues "They have asked to do a trade with me."

What? Why is he telling me this, he never tells me stuff. Not unless he is getting ready to hand the gang down to me. Oh no he can't be, no I don't want it. Looking down I can feel my anger rising. "LILLY DO NOT LOOK AT THE GROUND WHEN YOU ARE IN MY PRESENCE." He yells at me. His thick Italian accent coming out, but this doesn't scare me. I breath in and then look back up at his face.

He continues to stare at me. "As I was saying, they would like to make a trade..." Before he can finish I jump up out of my seat. "No please papà. I don't want to take over please no. If you have ever in your life loved me the slights, please don't make me th...." 'SLAP' pain is all that I feel all in my left cheek.

Cover my hand over my cheek I look back up at my father with a blank face. His face is filled with rage and I think I may be going crazy if I had said I had seen a little bit of guilt in his eyes, but just as fast as it came, it disappeared. "YOU DO NOT SPEAK UNLESS I HAVE TOLD YOU TO SPEAK." He yells through gritted teeth. "Yes papà I am sorry for talking out of turn." I say in a mono tone.

Looking up at his eyes he is looking at my cheek. Ugh it must be going red. I'm not going to lie and say it didn't hurt, but it's not the worst hit I've had.

"Anyway as I was saying, he would like to make a trade. And before your little breakout...-" He looks away for a bit. "He wants to give me money." He looks down at his hand and smirks "A lot of money." I still don't understand why is he telling me this? It's not because he wants to hand the gang over, which I am over joyed about. But I still don't understand why he is telling me. It can't be because he has now only just realised he actually loves his daughter, and wants to tell me all about what's happening with the gang.

"He is willing to give me 5 million for something I own." My father says a smile making its way to his face. Holy fish face, this gang must be loaded, I mean we are quit a small gang. We don't have much, so whatever they want must have to mean a lot to them.

"Lilly are you listening?" My father says in a serious voice. Shaking my head a bit I nod back at him to continue. "Okay, now that you are listening. They want you." he says gesturing his head towards me. Wait what! No did he just wait. "Um, can you say that again?" I say not believing what my father has just said.

Rubbing his jaw he looks me dead in the eye and says at a much slower pace. "The new gang is willing to give me 5 million. For YOU"


Hey guys, from now on my chapters are going to be a bit longer.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please do vote and comment.

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