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Beyonce pov
*1 week later*
Today was the day that Nic & I met up again. But this time it's was just gonna be the 2 of us. We have no idea as to what we wanna do, but I guess we'll just fuck around & see what there is to do. Hopefully she likes seafood cause that's what I want right now. Kelly gave me Nicki's number a couple days ago, so we been texting here & there. She's really cool as fuck, but she doesn't live here. I mean she's does, but I found that out a couple days ago, she has another house in New York. Queens to be exact.

Rihanna lives with her too, but they always fly up there to be with some of their friends and family. It's currently going on 12pm & I wanna be gone by 2 so I need to be getting ready right now.

Once I was finished getting ready I looked in the mirror. I looked good enough.

(What she's wearing)

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(What she's wearing)

I texted Nicki to let her know that I was otw.

Me- im otw, im js gonna pick you up it's that's okay

Nicki 🌸🩶- okay that's fine, I'll send my location

Me- okay great

I waited for her to send the address & I grabbed my purse, phone, & keys. I wanted to take my Audi, so I went to my garage. I let the garage door up & I backed out. I made sure it closed back before I actually left. Once I pulled out my long ass driveway, I opened the gate to go out.

Once I got out the gate, I started the route to Nicki. She's at her cousin house, it's like a good 20 minutes from here.

I pulled up & she was standing outside with some other girls. Only one I noticed was Rihanna. I saw her hug & kiss some light skin bitch with red hair on the cheek. She was cute but she look young as fuck, but I'm not gonna say nun about it.

I saw Nicki go back in the house & the light skin bitch walked to my window so I let it down. "Yes?" I asked as she smiled. "You Beyonce?" She asked as I nodded. "Mhm, why?" I asked. "I know Cookie like you & all, but she's mines okay? I don't mind y'all going out & all, but don't kiss her or try to get with her." She said as I laughed. "What makes you think I even want Nicki? & furthermore back the fuck up from my car. I don't entertain shit like this. But if nicki really wanted you, then she wouldn't have bought me anything at the mall last week. She would've told me she had a girl but she didn't. So I just think your being delusional over someone who don't want you." I said as she just scoffed.

At this point, Nicki was walking to the car. Yet & still, the bitch was still at my window. "Alyssa get the fuck from her window. I don't know why you playing. You my damn cousin, not my bitch. Fuck is wrong with your drunk ass?" Nicki said as I giggled a little. "I just wanted to see how she would react. I'm sorry damn. You guys have a great time. Don't keep her out too long & behind her ear is her turn in mmm on spot. Okay byeeee." Her cousin yelled as she walked back to the house. I shook my head & watched Nicki get in.

"Your cousin is something else." I said as she nodded. "She's so embarrassing telling all my business. She does that every time she gets drunk. But what are we doing today?" She said as I shrugged. "I wanted seafood, then we could go skating if it's not too packed." I said as she raised her eyebrows at me. "How you gone skate in them big ass long pants?" She asked as I mugged her. "You must not know? I gets DOWN fr." I said as she laughed. "Mk Beyonce, we'll see." She said as I drove to Juicy Seafood.

Once we ate, we pulled up to Dave & Busters. The skating rink was packed so we just decided to come here. We were playing around & being goofy until her phone started ringing.

Nicki pov
My phone rung & I stepped outside with Beyoncé right behind me. "Hello?" I said as I heard my mother on the other side. "Nic you needa come back to Queens asap." She said in a panicking voice. I looked back at Bey & she was just staring at me. "Okay momma, what happened?" I asked. "Jelani has been shot really badly." She said as my heart dropped. "Omg, okay momma I'll see if I can catch the quickest flight out. I love you & keep me updated until I get there." I said hanging up.

I felt the tears coming so I didn't even try to stop them. "Nicki are you okay, why you crying?" Beyoncé asked as I shook my head. "Nothing I'm fine, can we go back tho? I'm not really feeling it anymore." I said as she nodded. "Yeah come on, but I need you to tell me what's wrong. You was just fine a second ago." She said as I sighed. "My oldest brother Jelani was shot. Momma said it was really bad. I have to find a flight back home as soon as possible." I said as she sighed. "Damn, I hope he be okay. Let be buy your ticket." She said as I shook my head.

"That's very sweet of you Bey, but I have to decline that offer. I can't take that from you." I said as she still insisted. "No I want to do it. I'll buy it & send you all the information." She said as I sighed. "Thank you Beyonce. That's very nice for you to do that. But I do wanna know, why you're doing it?" I said as she shrugged. "Bc I want you to get home safely & not have to worry about anything. I know plane tickets are expensive & im not saying you can't afford it, I'm just saying let me do this for you. This one time. But knowing me, it'll be way more than just this one time. & it's also bc I Care." She said as I smiled.

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