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In the morning, Grey got ready with his grandmother, and as he looked at her, he smiled, and they both sat down on the bike.

"I'm so happy you are getting married today... Finally, she agreed," his granny said about the girl Grey was going to marry today. Three months ago, Grey got a job in the Thai Special Army Force, and because he was poor earlier, the girl's family wasn't ready to accept him. But finally, he worked hard and was ready to marry his longtime crush.

They couldn't afford to buy a car right now, so they just went on the bike to their destination where Grey's wedding was going to happen.

He was riding so slowly because he didn't want to take any risk. Then, suddenly, a car filled with some guys and girls came at full speed and furiously bumped into them.

In a fraction of seconds, both the granny and grandson were lying on the ground bleeding. Grey looked up and saw his granny bleeding so much. He tried to stand up, but his legs weren't working at all. His head was bleeding, but somehow he tried to stand up and cried...

"Please help me... Please help me..." He begged the guy who was looking scared, but instead of helping, he sped up his car and moved away. Grey was crying, holding his granny who was just struggling to even breathe. As time passed, he cried and yelled, but no one came, and finally, after half an hour, a guy stopped his car and took them to the hospital. He admitted both of them, but it was too late.

The doctor declared the old lady dead. For two days, Grey wasn't informed about it because he was himself very injured, but finally, on the third day, the man in his 40s decided to tell him the truth...

"What happened to my granny?" He asked eagerly, trying to sit.

"I'm sorry to say, but your granny is no more," as soon as the doctor said, Grey burst out into tears, looking devastated. The middle-aged guy beside him just held him, and Grey cried a pool, eventually feeling like he had lost everything. Since his childhood, he was living with his granny, and that lady was his everything.

"I don't have anyone now... I don't," he cried, hugging the guy.

After a few days, he was in a strange apartment as the person who helped him brought him here because he couldn't leave Grey in this condition. Then suddenly, Grey got a text...

"I'm sorry for your loss, Grey, but I can't keep this relationship with you even in the future... I'm sorry 😔,my family wants me to marry someone else... I can't oppose them" it was his ex-fiance's text, and the guy just sighed and turned back to the screen to his granny's picture...

"What happened?"

"Nothing, I just lost my granny, my only family, lost my leg, lost my job basically, lost the love of my life too..."

"You haven't lost your granny; she'll always be with you. Your legs might be injured, but they're still here. Even if you can't walk right now, you can still stand sometimes. Remember, a job is just one opportunity among many you'll encounter in your life. And as for love, if it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't love at all. Try to understand that," he explained gently, but Grey was too overwhelmed to grasp anything.

And from that time, that old man began to take care of him all the time until one day when he saw Grey packing his bags...

"Where are you going?" He asked, and Grey just smiled, holding his hands.

"I definitely owe you a lot, but now I'm leaving this home... My home isn't as great as yours, but I'm going back there... I will miss you, but at the same time, you have your own life... You can't just be bothered all the time," he said, hiding the pain behind his words when the guy frowned...

"That old bitch said something to you, right... Tell me?" He asked, grabbing Grey's hands, and the guy just chuckled...

"Of course, she did, but even I'm mature enough to think about it... I don't want to bother you; please let me go?" He asked, but the older guy just glared at him and spanked his head...

"Fine... First, pay me all the things you owe me," he said, and Grey could just frown with sadness...

"I-I don't have any money," his voice cracked as he was so sad hearing this word from Type...

"Pay me all the love I showed you, give me all my care back, and third, return the feelings I gave to you, as I loved you as my son... But in the end, you are abandoning me like everyone, so pay me all the things back," he said, and Grey just burst out crying and hugged the other guy...

"I-I love you, momma... I-I didn't want to leave... It's just another house granny told me that I'm just a burden and I should leave."

"I knew it, that old bitch is way too much; let me fight with her," Type was about to get out when Grey held him...

"Don't go, anyways now when I'm here... Can you help me arrange my things, please?" He asked, and ruffling his cute son's hair, they began to do the work...

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