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At night, Moon was still with them because Tharn had just checked the other apartment but Grey hadn't returned. So, they decided to keep Moon with them for the night.

It was midnight, but Moon was still playing with little baby Blue.

"You are so cute, my little baby. I'm your big brother," he said, while Blue giggled in his lap. On the other side, Tokyo, who was continuously looking down, punched the wall and then immediately looked at Moon.

"Do you know Grey's phone number?" he asked, and Moon nodded, pulling out the bag which Grey had given him.

"He gave me this diary and this phone. He saved his number in this phone and some other numbers too. I just got it last week," Moon explained. Tokyo immediately took the phone and called Grey.

"Hello?" he heard Grey's voice and couldn't stop himself from speaking.

"Where are you? How... I mean, take your son with you or at least inform us so that we can sleep."

"Actually, I didn't have your number. Sorry, sorry... I'm back at home, but can you not bring Moon here?" Grey asked.

"Why? What happened?"

"Nothing. I'm a little bit injured, and I know Moon will surely cry. He can't see me hurt. Although I just met him last month, he's a little bit attached to me."

"What? How did you... I mean, when did you meet him?" Tokyo immediately changed the subject, but his initial question was something else.

"I was living with them for the last month only. Anyway, I hope I'm not bothering you."

"I don't care whether you live or die... Hang up the call."

"Ok... Ahh, shit!" Grey hung up the call, and on this side, Tokyo was just worriedly pacing around when Tharn and Type came inside.

"What happened? Is he ok?" Type asked, and Tokyo hugged him, beginning to cry.

"He said he's hurt... Can I go, please, please brother?" he asked, looking at Tharn. Tharn sighed and nodded.

"You can," Tharn said, and Tokyo was about to leave when Type held him back.

"No, never! That guy left you, so he should be the one to come, explain the reason, and apologize. You shouldn't do that. If it were for revenge, then let him suffer. I will go and see what happened," Type said. Reluctantly, Tokyo nodded.

Type was about to leave with Tharn when Tokyo held his hand.

"Please, only once, please?" Tokyo began to cry, and Type sighed.

"Ok, fine. We are here, so don't worry. Come back soon," he said, and Tokyo kissed him and ran out.

"Love is blind," Tharn said, and giggling, Type placed Tharn in front of a mirror.

"Look at you. I must be blind," Type teased Tharn, and the other guy pouted.

"Am I ugly, baby?"

"Of course not. You are so handsome. I was joking. Anyway, sleep," Type said, patting the seat beside him when Moon spoke.

"Should I tell you a story? I'm telling my baby Blue a story. Do you want to hear?" he asked, and both of them nodded, looking excited.

Moon started the story. Although the story was very boring, the couple listened with great excitement. Moon was head over heels, and he literally began to cry.

"What happened, baby? What happened?"

"After Grey, you guys are the only ones interested in my words. Grey always stays busy, so he rarely has time. My mom used to hit me whenever I asked her to listen to me. She even burnt my hands," Moon showed his hands to them, and Tharn almost began to cry looking at the big mark on the small baby's hands. Type immediately hugged the little guy and patted his back.

"Don't worry, we are all here to listen to you, always," he said, and Moon smiled, hugging him back.

On the other side, Tokyo knocked on the door. As soon as the door opened, he saw Grey holding a gun and pointing it at him.

"Shoot me. This is the least you can do. I don't trust you anymore," Rolling his eyes, Tokyo said, walking inside while Grey immediately closed the door and kept the gun in a corner.

"Fuck! What happened?" As soon as Grey pulled out the peace cloth, he screamed. Grey was seriously injured with an uneven bandage.

"That's why I told you. Anyway, what happened? Why are you here?"

"I'm here to ask you for something," he asked and moved closer to Grey.


"Give me Moon's custody. I beg you," he said, expecting Grey to say no.

"But I can actually take care of him, I swear. Please don't say it."

"I know you can, but I genuinely want to adopt him. He's meant for our family. I beg you. I rarely beg for things. You completed your revenge, and I don't think you have any grudges left. Even if there are any, please don't remember them now. Please, I actually want Moon. He can be safe with us."

"Umm... Are you sure? I mean, of course, you guys are better than me, but then you need to be sure."

"I'm sure, please," he asked, and Grey sighed, looking at him.

"Ok, fine. Anyway, what are you doing? Are you going to kill me? You pulled off this bandage, which my friend tied up after so many struggles."

"Yeah, he or she tied it up in a very wrong way, and you are stupid enough not to go to any doctor."

"I'm poor; I can't afford one."

"Shut up!" Tokyo said, pinching his wound, and Grey screamed.

"Ah, Tokyo, I know you hate me, but I'm already hurt."

"Shut up!" Tokyo said and applied a new bandage properly.

"Keep your head at rest and eat this," he said, taking out a box filled with veggies and rice.

"Thanks, I was hungry. I love you," Grey said, but immediately bit his tongue.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, looking down, and Tokyo chuckled.

"Yeah, I understand. You have a habit of saying 'I love you.' You must be messing around with everyone, so I completely understand a person like you. Who says 'I love you' to even a pig? Anyway, please close the door from inside," saying that he slammed the door harshly and left.

Grey sighed and, closing the door, looked at the food and began to eat.

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