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It's been a few days, and no one is talking with anyone. Jane is angry with the two boys, and at night they were almost ready to eat together as it's their rule to eat together no matter what happens when Tokyo brought Oscar with him.

"Hey you! Arrange an extra chair for him," he ordered, pointing at Type, who was cooking their meal while Tharn was helping him. When Tharn looked up and wanted to shout, but he promised Granny not to be rude, so he didn't say anything and held Type's arms, who was going to bring a chair.

"You aren't anyone's servant here, ok? Let me give him," he said in his serious tone, and Type just blushed, looking down. Bringing a chair, he put it in front of Oscar and went to bring Nora, who was practicing with Grey.

"Hey you, bring a chilled coke for him and a glass of water for me. And yeah, he doesn't eat these oily foods, so give him only fruits and something healthy, ok?" Tokyo said, and sighing, Type nodded and did whatever he was asked. Soon everyone came except Grey, and Granny immediately asked about him.

"Where's my Grey baby?"

"Oscar is here, but instead of him, you are more interested in Grey," Tokyo said, getting annoyed at her, and Tharn could just chuckle to insult him. When Grey came towards them in the wheelchair and sat down beside Jane, suddenly Oscar, who went to the washroom, arrived. As soon as Grey looked up, all those memories flashed in his mind, and he began to panic.

"He...," in anger, the guy began to throw things at him and tried to somehow best Oscar, but as he couldn't walk, he fell down, but Tharn immediately pulled him up.

"What happened, Grey? What happened?" Type asked, getting worried, and almost began to cry because he loves Grey like his own son, and looking at him made him hurt.

"He killed my granny...he's the one who left us to die...he's the one," the guy began to cry while throwing things at Oscar. Suddenly, Oscar also ran away, followed by Tokyo.

"Are you telling the truth?" Type asked with his wide eyes, and Grey nodded. Before Oscar could go away, Type held him tightly and began to punch him.

"You killed his granny, and looking at you, it doesn't even feel that you are guilty. People would be in so much trauma if accidentally they even hurt them, but you just look happy as hell," he said, again punching him, and Tokyo came to protect him, but Type was so strong that he pushed him, and Tokyo fell down.

"Granny, call the cops, right now, otherwise, I will kill him," he said, yelling at the lady, and in anger, Jane immediately called the cops.

"Granny, don't, please don't...please don't," he cried and begged, but Tharn was just there like a statue, not reacting at all, and even his granny in his favour... At the end the cops came and arrested him...

"we have already did the inspection... We couldn't catch him but finally the guy is in our hands... " The cop who was investigating their case said and took Oscar away...

Tokyo was about to go with him but Tharn just tightly held his hands...
Here's the corrected version:

"We have already done the inspection... We couldn't catch him, but finally, the guy is in our hands," the cop who was investigating their case said and took Oscar away.

Tokyo was about to go with him, but Tharn just tightly held his hands.

"Tharn, please leave me... Please, Tharn... please, I beg you... Please," he cried, but the guy didn't let him and made him sit beside him, holding his hands while Grey was explaining everything to them.

"Listen to how cruel your boyfriend is... Listen," Tharn said to make him realize, but instead of guilt, the guy stood up and holding a vase, he slammed it right on Grey's head, and his head began to bleed, and he began to yell out in pain.

"You bitch... you did it right," he grabbed Type's hair and was dragging him out of the house, and everyone was trying to stop him. When suddenly Jane, who was looking over Tharn angrily, stood up, and for the first time, she slapped Tokyo right on his face.

"Go inside your room, right now... I said right now," she yelled, and crying, the guy went inside his room and locked himself up. While Tharn immediately called the doctor, and they did his bandage, the vase was light, and the guy wasn't that hard, so it wasn't that deep.

"I'm sorry on behalf of him... I'm really sorry," Jane said, but Type just sadly smiled.

"It's ok... he loves him, that's why he reacted like that... anyways, we are going to the police station for some formalities... Excuse us," he said, pushing Grey's wheelchair when Tharn stopped him.

"You stay in your house and don't dare to console that Tokyo... Stay away from him... Grey, will you go with me?" Tharn asked, and Grey nodded. They went to the police station while Jane was just crying, going somewhere.

"I... I... I don't want to live... I want to die... I actually want to die now," she cried, and pulling out the knife, the lady tried to harm herself when Type stood up in front of her with some distance.

"What the hell are you doing? Aunt, stop... Aunt, behave," he tried to stop her, but she was holding a knife.

"I will kill myself... I will kill myself," she said again, holding the knife.

"Aunt, stop... please, what are you doing? What do you want?" he asked, and the lady stopped and wiped her tears.

"You have to do something for me..." she said while her tears were uncontrollably coming out.

"I will do anything... Just anything."

"Promise?" She asked, and the guy nodded.

In the middle of the night,



"Are you for real? Whatever Type said is the truth?" Tharn asked, and the lady nodded, maintaining her straight face, crossing her arms.

"You are ruining lives... Don't be selfish."

"I'm being selfish, and I don't care at all... I have to be selfish at the end... I don't care whether you guys die, kill each other, or whatever. I said what I said," she said, and frustrated, Tharn just walked out of the room and kicked the chair in front of him.

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