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The very next morning, when Tokyo slightly opened his eyes, he smelled something so good and felt overwhelmed. He buried his face into the overwhelming pillow filled with different smells.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and found himself wrapped under Grey's arms. He felt like a baby in his mother's lap.

"Momma," he said and laughed at his own remark when Grey, who was pretending to sleep, also woke up.

"Ohhh... Sorry, maybe I hugged you by mistake," he said, still holding onto Tokyo, not wanting to let go.

"I hate you because of you that asshole left me... I hate you so much... By the way, no... I don't... Why should I hate you? In fact, thanks to you, that asshole Oscar left me... I really feel like puking."

"Yeah, so much puking that you were literally kissing him yesterday... Please don't pretend... Don't worry, I will tell your brother that you are still broken up with him," Tokyo said angrily for the first time, and with his rude tone, Tokyo felt bad as this is the first-ever time Tokyo talked with him like this.

"I didn't kiss him... Although I don't need to... How can you say that?" Tokyo said, grabbing Grey's collar while Grey just sat down, pushing his hands away.

"Here's the proof... Your own phone has his pictures... I wasn't sneaking; actually, I thought it's mine, and when I swiped, those pictures showed up, and afterward, I intentionally looked at them," he admitted. As at first, he mistakenly saw it, but then he did it even knowing that it was Tokyo's phone.

"I-I why are you talking to me like this? I don't need to tell you anything... You can't do anything to me... Nothing."

"I can actually do many things... Shit! I'm sorry... I'm really sorry... I think I have lost my mind," before he could say anything, Tokyo immediately straddled him, grabbing his collar, glaring at him.

"What did you say? What will you do? You can do nothing... Nothing," he yelled out loud, and Grey just nodded in defeat.

"Yeah, I can do nothing... Sorry... Can you please leave me now?" he calmly asked, but the guy was so angry that he wanted to best Grey.

"No one has the right to insult me like this... Only that asshole Tharn has... I will kill you if next time you gonna do it," he said, and the poor guy just nodded. Finally, Tokyo left him, and somehow he sat down on his wheelchair and left. Meanwhile, Tokyo wasn't feeling good; he just laid down again, feeling sore and heavy, when Grey came back with a tray.

"You cleaned your teeth at night, right?" he asked, and Tokyo nodded, even though he didn't.

"I don't believe you... Let me see your teeth?" he asked, and glaring at him, he pulled Grey's face so closer that their lips almost touched, and Tokyo opened his mouth and blew right on his nose.

"Umm... It's smelling like shit... Go please brush; otherwise, your teeth will get darker..." he said, but ignoring him, Tokyo was just looking at the food in front of him.

"Ok, don't do that... Make sure he doesn't brush his teeth, Grey..." Tharn said, peeking inside their room. When glaring at him, Tokyo immediately ran away to brush, to go just against him, and smirking, Tharn winked at Grey.

"He's a stupid baby... You just need to make him a fool," Tharn said, and Grey giggled, looking at his husband's tactics.

Coming out, Tokyo sat down on the bed and was just rubbing his head, calling his granny when Grey entered.

"TharnType left for their honeymoon, and Granny also went with Nora for some carnival for some days....

"What? They didn't even say bye to me... I mean, I don't care... They don't even care about me... No one does..." Laying down, Tokyo just covered his face, and Grey just sat down, staring at him, tapping the guy's body, but the other guy didn't react.

"Go," just inside the blanket, Tokyo kicked him, but the guy was still there.

"I know you are hurt... Show me your face... Show me," he gently tried to look and saw Tokyo was crying.

"Please don't cry... I'm sorry."

"Why are you being sorry... My own family members don't care about me... Then why do you care?"

"Actually, they asked me whether you are okay or not... I didn't want to spoil their holiday, that's why I told them you are fine, so that's why they left..." He explained, and Tokyo, like an evil spirit, pulled down his blanket and grabbed the guy's shirt.

"How dare you... How can they have fun when I'm sick over here... Call them back," he asked, and Grey just chuckled.

"You are acting like a little baby.... You are cute."

"Stop, just stop... Ahhh my head hurts... My body hurts, my chest hurts even more," he began to cry, holding his head.

"Can I do something... Please don't think I would take advantage of you... Can I?" He asked, being a little bit hesitant.

"Do whatever... Make me feel good..." He said, holding his head, when Grey crawled on the bed and pulled Tokyo onto his lap.

"What... Anyways... Do whatever... I don't care..." He ignored everything and just closed his eyes, making him sleep on his lap like a baby. They took some head oil and began to massage his head.

"Can I pull it up? Don't think I'm a pervert," Grey asked, holding Tokyo's t-shirt, and the other guy just nodded, and then Grey pulled his t-shirt up and gave a traditional Thai hot oil message to his whole body.

"My granny used to do it whenever I fell sick... After that, no one actually did it for me... But I know, not best like her but at least you will feel ok," he said, while the other guy was whimpering, and for him, it was feeling like someone was taking out all his pain... Slowly he was feeling good and was resting while Grey just finished the massage and went to wash his hands when Tokyo asked.

"I'm not dirty... Why are you washing your hands?" He asked.

"Umm... I know, but when I massaged your body, there was so much dirt... I think you should bathe really well... I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend, but I have OCD... I easily get rashes with these things... Now I got to know from where I was getting all the rashes from...

"Ok so what? I won't change myself... Will you throw me away? Won't sleep with me?"

"Yes... I mean of course, I can't throw you away as it's your house and moreover, you are my husband, and it's my problem, but I don't think I can continue to sleep with you...I m sorry for being like this but don't worry I will sleep on couch... GN" He simply replied very politely and went inside the washroom.

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